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Xla Wt + tp63 MO + animal cap explant, Haas M et al. (2019)

Experiment + Assay: Xla Wt + tp63 MO + animal cap explant + animal cap NF10.5 (RNA-Seq (RNA))
Background: Xla.Outbred
Manipulation Type Reagent Target Gene Stage Treatment Area
morpholino injection tp63 MO3 tp63 (Xla)
NF stage 4 (8-cell) animal hemisphere
NF stage 8 animal cap
Assay Type Assay Stages Antibody
RNA-Seq NF stage 10.5  
Expression Phenotypes (100):
increased amount abcc5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount adap1l.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount agap2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ankrd65.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount aplnr.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount aplnr.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount atad3a.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount bix1.3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount bix1.3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount c3ar1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount c5.2.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount c8h6orf136.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount capn10l.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ccng1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ccng1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdkn1a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdkn2b.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount cetn4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cetn4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cfb.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount col17a1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cpa6.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount crim1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cyp27c1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount dennd1c.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount diras3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount dscaml1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ebf2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount eda2r.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount efemp2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ell3.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount elp1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount enc1.2.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount fam83a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fam83a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fbxo32.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fkbp9.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gal3st4.1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount gjc2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gucy1a2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount h2ac7.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount kcnn1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount lancl3.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount lgals4.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount lgals4.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount lif.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount lonrf3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount lonrf3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount lpar3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount mafb.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount map1lc3a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount marchf8.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount mdm2.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount mrpl22.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount mrps35.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nif.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nppb.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount nt5c3a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount palm.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount parp3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pfn4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount plk2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pllp.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pnhd.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount prag1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ptgds.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount ptgs2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rasgef1a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rasl12.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rbl2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount riok3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rnf24.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount s1pr5.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount s1pr5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sctr.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sesn1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc16a12.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc26a9.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc40a1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount socs4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sting1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount synj2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tbkbp1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tcn2.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount tex30.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tnfrsf6b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tp73.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tp73.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount tril.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tril.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ube2e2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ulk1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ulk1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount vegt.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount wipf1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5815362.S [provisional:cyp2j6] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5832479.S [provisional:cdc25c] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5848002.L [provisional] expression in the animal cap
increased amount ypel2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount zg16.S expression in the animal cap
GEO Series: GSE130448: Xenbase, NCBI
Article: XB-ART-56304, PubMed