IXB: The International Xenopus Board
International Xenopus Board
The Xenopus research community has held a biennial scientific conference for more than 30 years. It rotates between North America and Europe. Initially the community was small and less than a hundred individuals would attend the conference, allowing it to be organized in an informal fashion. However, the community has grown considerably, and attendance at the conference is now typically over 300 individuals. Consequently, organization of the conference has become too large a task for any one individual, and the need to solicit external funding from grants and companies has greatly increased. Furthermore, the international community has initiated several new activities that are having a dramatic impact on the community as a whole, such as stock centers, workshops and “Resources and Emerging Technology” meetings. Therefore, a formal organization to assist in managing the organization of these activities and the finances of the different endeavors became warranted. In 2015, the International Xenopus Board was incorporated (see “Certificate of Incorporation”) as a tax-exempt, non-profit organization registered in Washington DC, USA. It is governed by By-Laws (view PDF).
The Officers currently are:
President: Carol LaBonne (Northwestern Univ)
Secretary: Robert Grainger (Univ. Virginia)
Treasurer: Sally Moody (George Washington Univ.)
The Board of Directors consists of the Officers and:
Past Conference Organizers: John Wallingford (Univ. Texas Austin), Karen Liu (Kings College London), Grant Wheeler (Univ. East Anglia)
Immediate Past Conference Organizers: Richard Harland (UC Berkeley), Rebecca Heald (UC Berkeley)
Future Conference Organizers: Matthew Guille (Univ. Portsmouth), Sarah Woolner (Univ. Manchester)
IXB trainee presentation winners:
Dieter Tulkens, Univ Gent, for poster on " Novel genetic leukemia model in Xenopus tropicalis using a CRISPR/Cas9-based multiplex approach" (Kris Vleminckx lab)
Kelli Grand, Univ. Zurich, for talk on "Transcriptional mechanisms of renal tubule cell specification in reprogramming and CAKUT. (Soeren Lienkamp lab)
Report on the creation of the IXB
Minutes from the 2016 Resources and Emerging Technologies meeting
IXB Certificate of Incorporation (view/download PDF)
IXB By-Laws (view/download PDF)
Last Updated: 2019-07-05