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Xtr Wt + vegt MO + eomes MO + tbxt MO + tbxt.2 MO, Gentsch GE et al. (2019)

Experiment + Assay: Xtr Wt + vegt MO + eomes MO + tbxt MO + tbxt.2 MO + NF11 (RNA-Seq)
Background: Xtr.Outbred
Manipulation Type Reagent Target Gene Stage Treatment Area
morpholino injection vegt MO3 vegt
NF stage 1 zygote
morpholino injection eomes MO1 eomes
NF stage 1 zygote
morpholino injection tbxt MO2 tbxt
NF stage 1 zygote
morpholino injection tbxt MO3 tbxt
NF stage 1 zygote
morpholino injection tbxt.2 MO3 tbxt.2
NF stage 1 zygote
morpholino injection tbxt.2 MO4 tbxt.2
NF stage 1 zygote
Assay Type Assay Stages Antibody
RNA-Seq NF stage 11  
Expression Phenotypes (119):
increased amount abo.2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount acly expression in the embryo
decreased amount actc1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount adamts5 expression in the embryo
decreased amount anapc2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount apln expression in the embryo
increased amount arhgap11a.2 expression in the embryo
increased amount arhgef12 expression in the embryo
decreased amount atp6ap1l expression in the embryo
increased amount bcar3 expression in the embryo
increased amount bmpr2 expression in the embryo
increased amount btg4 expression in the embryo
increased amount btg5.1 expression in the embryo
increased amount c1orf116 expression in the embryo
decreased amount c3 expression in the embryo
increased amount cbwd1.1 expression in the embryo
increased amount ccnb5 expression in the embryo
decreased amount cdc20b expression in the embryo
decreased amount cdc42ep3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ceacam19lx expression in the embryo
increased amount cers6 expression in the embryo
increased amount clba1 expression in the embryo
increased amount coq2 expression in the embryo
increased amount cyp4v2.2 expression in the embryo
increased amount dctpp1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount egflam expression in the embryo
increased amount elk1 expression in the embryo
increased amount fbxl4 expression in the embryo
increased amount fez2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount foxc1 expression in the embryo
increased amount gadd45gip1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount gpr82 expression in the embryo
decreased amount gprc5cl1 expression in the embryo
increased amount h2ac17 expression in the embryo
increased amount haghl expression in the embryo
decreased amount hba1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount hes5.3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount hes5.4 expression in the embryo
decreased amount hes5.7 expression in the embryo
decreased amount hkdc1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount insm2 expression in the embryo
increased amount kctd9 expression in the embryo
decreased amount lama1 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100485137 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100491791 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100493862 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC100497319 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101730864 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101730966 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101732669 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101732842 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101732995 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101733883 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101734301 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101734664 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC105947618 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC108644783 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC116406565 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC116406900 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC116412194 expression in the embryo
increased amount lonrf3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount marveld1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount mcidas expression in the embryo
decreased amount mfap2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount mgat4g expression in the embryo
decreased amount msgn1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount myf5 expression in the embryo
decreased amount myod1 expression in the embryo
increased amount nfil3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount nfil3 expression in the embryo
increased amount nkx6-1 expression in the embryo
increased amount nodal6 expression in the embryo
increased amount ntf3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount pcdh10 expression in the embryo
decreased amount pcdh8l expression in the embryo
decreased amount pdp2 expression in the embryo
increased amount pdp2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount phka1p1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount phka2 expression in the embryo
increased amount pkd2l1 expression in the embryo
increased amount plcl2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount plod2 expression in the embryo
increased amount ppargc1b expression in the embryo
increased amount prss16 expression in the embryo
decreased amount rassf4 expression in the embryo
increased amount ripor2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ripply2.1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ripply2.2 expression in the embryo
increased amount rnf151 expression in the embryo
increased amount rspry1 expression in the embryo
increased amount scx expression in the embryo
decreased amount scx expression in the embryo
decreased amount sdc3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount serpind1 expression in the embryo
increased amount sertad2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount sfrp1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount shh expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc16a12 expression in the embryo
increased amount slc48a1 expression in the embryo
increased amount snx10 expression in the embryo
decreased amount syn1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tbx6 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tbxt.2 expression in the embryo
increased amount tent5b expression in the embryo
increased amount thumpd3 expression in the embryo
increased amount tm2d3 expression in the embryo
increased amount tmem171 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmprss9 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tubb expression in the embryo
increased amount tubg1 expression in the embryo
increased amount wdr47 expression in the embryo
increased amount wee2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount wee2 expression in the embryo
increased amount wtip expression in the embryo
increased amount XB5719931 [provisional] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5903316 expression in the embryo
increased amount zfp36l2.1 expression in the embryo
increased amount zfp36l2.2 expression in the embryo
increased amount zscan2 expression in the embryo
GEO Series: GSE122551: Xenbase, NCBI
Article: XB-ART-56693, PubMed