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Summary Literature (0)
DOID:0060974 - autosomal recessive Robinow syndrome 2

Disease Ontology Definition:A Robinow syndrome characterized bypostnatal mesomelic short stature and relative macrocephaly as well as dysmorphic facial features, including frontal bossing, hypertelorism, prominent eyes, wide short nose with anteverted nares, and triangular mouth that has_material_basis_in homozygous or compound heterozygous mutation in the NXN gene on chromosome 17p13.


Xenbase Genes :

Other Model Organisms: Alliance, MGI, ZFIN, FlyBase, WormBase, RGD

Ontology Viewers: Disease Ontology, EMBL-EBI, OLSVis tree view, Ontobee
Parent(s): Robinow syndrome (is_a), autosomal recessive disease (is_a)