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Summary Literature (1)
Literature for OMIM 119300: VAN DER WOUDE SYNDROME 1; VWS1

Xenbase Articles:
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Genome-wide analysis of copy-number variation in humans with cleft lip and/or cleft palate identifies COBLL1, RIC1, and ARHGEF38 as clefting genes., Lansdon LA,Dickinson A,Arlis S,Liu H,Hlas A,Hahn A,Bonde G,Long A,Standley J,Tyryshkina A,Wehby G,Lee NR,Daack-Hirsch S,Mohlke K,Girirajan S,Darbro BW,Cornell RA,Houston DW,Murray JC,Manak JR, Am J Hum Genet. January 5, 2023; 110(1):1537-6605.