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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (109) GO Terms (23) Nucleotides (442) Proteins (58) Interactants (1033) Wiki

hes family bHLH transcription factor 4

H2 , hairy2 , hairy2a , hairy2b , hes4-a , hes4-b [+] ( Nomenclature history )

helix-loop-helix transcription factor/transcriptional repressor

Protein Function :
Transcriptional repressor. Binds DNA on N-box motifs: 5'-CACNAG-3'. Plays a role in the patterning of tissue boundaries. Promotes floor plate development and prechordal plate development. Required for ...[+]

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External Links:
???displayGene.expression???                  Development Stages                                               Embryonic Tissues                                                                Adult Tissues
More Information
Xenbase Expression Details In situ images Single cell data at SPRING In situ: RNA-Seq:

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