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1st Asian Xenopus Conference

Date: November 24, 2024 (Sun) to November 26, 2024 (Tues)
Place: Osaka University, Osaka, Japan.
Abstract Submission: September 30, 2024.

Conference Website

Conference Poster: download pdf

Conference Venue
Nambu Yoichiro Hall, Osaka University (Toyonaka campus), Japan

Confirmed speakers

Keynote speakers
Ken Cho (University of California, Irvine)
John B. Wallingford (University of Texas, Austin)

PI speakers
Cha, Hye Ji (Dankook University)
Izutsu. Yumi (Niigata University)
Jung, Hosung (Yonsei University)
Kwon, Taejoon (UNIST)
Lee, Jun-Yeong (Kyungpook National University)
Morishita, Yoshihiro (RIKEN)
Shindo, Asako (Osaka University)
Tanaka, Mikiko (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Tanizaki, Yuta (Tokyo University)

Junior PI/trainee speakers
Kato, Soichiro (Osaka University)
Kawaguchi, Akane (National Institute of Genetics)
Kim, Ha Eun (UNIST)
Kumar, Santosh (Hallym University)
Kumar, Ravi (Hallym University)
Lee, Hong-Chan (Kyungpook National University)
Mii, Yusuke (Kyoto University)
Shin, Seungyun (UNIST)
Sim, Hyo Jung (UNIST)
Suzuki, Minako (NIBB/Kyoto University)
Yasuoka, Yuuri (RIKEN)
Yun, Seongmin (UNIST)

Contact information
If you have any question for the conference, please contact to the organizing committee:

Taejoon Kwon, UNIST, Republic of Korea
Tae Joo Park, UNIST, Republic of Korea
Asako Shindo, Osaka University, Japan
Yuuri Yasuoka, RIKEN, Japan            

Last Updated: 2024-07-29