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Disease Synonyms Description Articles Phenotypes
Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy 2
An Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy character..[+]
Unverricht-Lundborg syndrome
Unverricht - Lundborg disease; Unverricht-Lundborg.. [+]
A progressive myoclonus epilepsy characterized by ..[+]
1 articles
Uruguay faciocardiomusculoskeletal syndrome
A syndrome characterized by distinctive facial app..[+]
Usher syndrome
A syndrome characterized by a combination of heari..[+]
2 articles
Usher syndrome type 1
US1; USH1;
An Usher syndrome characterized by profound congen..[+]
1 articles
Usher syndrome type 1C
Usher syndrome type I Acadian variety; Usher syndr.. [+]
An Usher syndrome type 1 that has_material_basis_i..[+]
Usher syndrome type 1D
Usher syndrome type ID; USH1D;
An Usher syndrome type 1 that has_material_basis_i..[+]
1 articles
Usher syndrome type 1E
USH1E; Usher syndrome type IE;
An Usher syndrome type 1 that has_material_basis_i..[+]
Usher syndrome type 1F
USH1F; Usher syndrome type IF;
An Usher syndrome type 1 that has_material_basis_i..[+]
Usher syndrome type 1G
USH1G; Usher syndrome type IG;
An Usher syndrome type 1 that has_material_basis_i..[+]
Usher syndrome type 1H
Usher syndrome type IH; USH1H;
An Usher syndrome type 1 that has_material_basis_i..[+]
Usher syndrome type 1J
USH1J; Usher syndrome type IJ;
An Usher syndrome type 1 that has_material_basis_i..[+]
Usher syndrome type 1K
USH1K; Usher syndrome type IK;
An Usher syndrome type 1 that has_material_basis_i..[+]
Usher syndrome type 2
An Usher syndrome characterized by mild to severe ..[+]
Usher syndrome type 2A
USH2A; Usher syndrome type IIA;
An Usher syndrome type 2 characterized by moderate..[+]
Usher syndrome type 2C
Usher syndrome type IIC; USH2C; Usher syndrome IIC.. [+]
An Usher syndrome type 2 that has_material_basis_i..[+]
Usher syndrome type 2D
USH2D; Usher syndrome type IID;
An Usher syndrome type 2 that has_material_basis_i..[+]
Usher syndrome type 3
An Usher syndrome characterized by progressive hea..[+]
Usher syndrome type 3A
USH3A; Usher syndrome type IIIA;
An Usher syndrome type 3 that has_material_basis_i..[+]
Usher syndrome type 3B
USH3B; Usher syndrome type IIIB;
An Usher syndrome type 3 that has_material_basis_i..[+]
VACTERL association
VATER syndrome;
A syndrome that is characterized by the presence o..[+]
VEXAS syndrome
vacuoles, E1 enzyme, X-linked, autoinflammatory an.. [+]
A syndrome that is characterized by blood clots in..[+]
malignant vasoactive intestinal peptide-secreting .. [+]
Vagus nerve disease
disorder of vagal nerve; Vagus nerve disorder; dis.. [+]
Van Esch-O'Driscoll syndrome
MRXSVEOD; VEODS; X-linked intellectual disability,.. [+]
A syndromic X-linked intellectual disability chara..[+]
Van Maldergem syndrome
cerebro-facio-articular syndrome;
A syndrome characterized by facial abnormalities s..[+]
Van Maldergem syndrome 1
A Van Maldergem syndrome that has_material_basis_i..[+]
Van Maldergem syndrome 2
A Van Malergem syndrome that has_material_basis_in..[+]
Van den Ende-Gupta syndrome
Marden-Walker-like syndrome; Marden-Walker-like sy.. [+]
A syndrome characterized by severe contractual ara..[+]
Van der Woude syndrome
lip-pit syndrome;
A syndrome characterized by the combination of low..[+]
1 articles
Venezuelan equine encephalitis
Venezuelan equine fever;
A viral infectious disease that results_in inflamm..[+]
Venezuelan hemorrhagic fever
A viral infectious disease that is a hemorrhagic f..[+]
Vici syndrome
immunodeficiency with cleft lip/palate, cataract, .. [+]
A syndrome characterized by callosal agenesis, cat..[+]
Vissers-Bodmer syndrome
A syndrome that is characterized by global develop..[+]
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease
uveomeningoencephalitic syndrome; Vogt-Koyanagi-Ha.. [+]
An autoimmune disease that is caused by T helper c..[+]
Vohwinkel syndrome
congenital deafness with keratopachydermia and con.. [+]
A syndrome characterized by severe, honeycomb-patt..[+]
Volkmann contracture
Volkmann's ischemic contracture;
A connective tissue disease that develops from pro..[+]
Vulto-van Silfout-de Vries syndrome
autosomal dominant mental retardation 24; MRD24; a.. [+]
An autosomal dominant intellectual developmental d..[+]
WAGR syndrome
chromosome 11p13 deletion syndrome; Wilms tumor-An.. [+]
A chromosomal deletion syndrome that is a nephrobl..[+]
WHIM syndrome 1
warts, hypogammaglobulinemia, infections, and myel.. [+]
An immunodeficiency disease that is characterized ..[+]
WHIM syndrome 2
An immunodeficiency disease that is characterized ..[+]
Waardenburg syndrome
Waardenburg Shah syndrome; van der Hoeve Halbertso.. [+]
A syndrome characterized by varying degrees of dea..[+]
7 articles
Waardenburg syndrome type 1
Waardenburg syndrome type I; WS1;
A Waardenburg syndrome characterized by autosomal ..[+]
Waardenburg syndrome type 2A
Waardenburg syndrome type IIA; WS2A;
A Waardenburg syndrome characterized by pigmentary..[+]
Waardenburg syndrome type 2B
Waardenburg syndrome type IIB; WS2B;
A Waardenburg syndrome characterized by pigmentary..[+]
Waardenburg syndrome type 2C
Waardenburg syndrome type IIC; WS2C;
A Waardenburg syndrome characterized by pigmentary..[+]
Waardenburg syndrome type 2E
Waardenburg syndrome type 2E with or without neuro.. [+]
A Waardenburg syndrome characterized by pigmentary..[+]
Waardenburg syndrome type 3
Klein-Waardenburg syndrome; Waardenburg syndrome w.. [+]
A Waardenburg syndrome characterized by upper limb..[+]
Waardenburg syndrome type 4A
Waardenburg syndrome with Hirschsprung disease typ.. [+]
A Waardenburg syndrome characterized by pigmentary..[+]
Waardenburg syndrome type 4B
WS4B; Waardenburg syndrome type IVB; Waardenburg s.. [+]
A Waardenburg syndrome characterized by pigmentary..[+]

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