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Disease Synonyms Description Articles Phenotypes
Parkinson's disease 7
autosomal recessive early-onset Parkinson disease .. [+]
An early-onset Parkinson's disease that has_materi..[+]
1 articles
Parkinson's disease 8
autosomal dominant Parkinson disease 8; autosomal .. [+]
A late onset Parkinson's disease that has_material..[+]
1 articles
Parkinson's disease 15
pallidopyramidal syndrome; Parkinsonian-pyramidal .. [+]
An early-onset Parkinson's disease that has_materi..[+]
posterior amorphous corneal dystrophy
PACD; chromosome 12q21.33 deletion syndrome
A stromal dystrophy that is characterized by irreg..[+]
posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy
PPCD; Schlichting dystrophy; hereditary polymorphu.. [+]
A corneal dystrophy that is characterized by chang..[+]
Perlman syndrome
nephroblastomatosis - fetal ascites - macrosomia -.. [+]
A syndrome characterized by polyhydramnios with ne..[+]
Perry syndrome
parkinsonism with alveolar hypoventilation and men.. [+]
A syndrome characterized by parkinsonism, hypovent..[+]
Pitt-Hopkins syndrome
A syndrome characterized by intellectual disabilit..[+]
pollen allergy
A respiratory allergy triggered by pollen.
peach allergy
Prunus persica fruit allergy
A fruit allergy triggered by Prunus persica plant ..[+]
plum allergy
Prunus domestica fruit allergy
A fruit allergy triggered by Prunus domestica plan..[+]
penicillin allergy
A beta-lactam allergy triggered by penicillin.
purpura fulminans
purpura gangrenosa
A purpura characterized by blood spots, bruising a..[+]
poikiloderma with neutropenia
poikiloderma with neutropenia, Clericuzio type
A skin disease characterized by poikiloderma, hype..[+]
permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus
PNDM; permanent diabetes mellitus of infancy; PDMI.. [+]
A neonatal diabetes that has_material_basis_in hom..[+]
1 articles
primary sclerosing cholangitis
A sclerosing cholangitis characterized by fibroobl..[+]
Peters anomaly
A corneal disease characterized by a central corne..[+]
pigment dispersion syndrome
pigment-dispersion type glaucoma; glaucoma-related.. [+]
An eye disease characterized by slit-like depigmen..[+]
platelet-type bleeding disorder 16
autosomal dominant Glanzmann thrombasthenia; autos.. [+]
A blood platelet disease characterized by autosoma..[+]
platelet-type bleeding disorder 8
P2Y12 defect; ADP platelet receptor P2Y12 defect
A blood platelet disease characterized by mild to ..[+]
Pendred Syndrome
congenital hypothyroidism due to dyshormonogenesis.. [+]
A syndrome characterized by bilateral prelingual s..[+]
4 articles
Prieto syndrome
Prieto-Badia-Mulas syndrome; X-linked intellectual.. [+]
A syndromic X-linked intellectual disability chara..[+]
pemphigus vulgaris
familial pemphigus vulgaris
A pemphigus characterized by autosomal dominant bl..[+]
Pierson syndrome
microcoria-congenital nephrosis syndrome
A syndrome characterized by nephrotic syndrome wit..[+]
Potocki-Lupski syndrome
17p11.2 microduplication syndrome; chromosome 17p1.. [+]
A chromosomal duplication syndrome characterized b..[+]
patterned macular dystrophy
patterned dystrophy of retinal pigment epithelium; .. [+]
A macular degeneration characterized by abnormal a..[+]
patterned macular dystrophy 2
butterfly-shaped pigmentary maculary dystrophy 2; .. [+]
A patterned macular dystrophy characterized by bil..[+]
patterned macular dystrophy 3
MDPT3; Martinique crinkled retinal pigment epithel.. [+]
A patterned macular dystrophy characterized by a '..[+]
patterned macular dystrophy 1
butterfly-shaped pigmentary maculary dystrophy 1; .. [+]
A patterned macular dystrophy characterized by bil..[+]
primary hypomagnesemia
primary familial hypomagnesemia; HOMG
A metal metabolism disorder characterized by very ..[+]
1 articles
prune belly syndrome
abdominal muscle deficiency syndrome; Eagle-Barret.. [+]
A syndrome that is characterized by megacystis wit..[+]
Parkinson's disease 19A
juvenile onset Parkinson disease 19A; juvenile ons.. [+]
An early-onset Parkinson's diseas that has_materia..[+]
Parkinson's disease 4
autosomal dominant Lewy body Parkinson disease 4; .. [+]
A late onset Parkinson disease that has_material_b..[+]
Parkinson's disease 23
autosomal recessive early-onset Parkinson disease .. [+]
An early-onset Parkinson disease that has_material..[+]
Parkinson's disease 17
Parkinson disease 17; autosomal dominant Parkinson.. [+]
A late-onset Parkinson disease that has_material_b..[+]
Parkinson's disease 20
early-onset Parkinson disease 20; early-onset Park.. [+]
An early-onset Parkinson disease that has_material..[+]
Parkinson's disease 14
autosomal recessive Parkinson disease 14; autosoma.. [+]
A late-onset Parkinson disease that has_material_b..[+]
proteosome-associated autoinflammatory syndrome
A syndrome that is characterized by early onset, d..[+]
proteosome-associated autoinflammatory syndrome 2
A proteasome-associated autoinflammatory syndrome ..[+]
proteosome-associated autoinflammatory syndrome 4
A proteasome-associated autoinflammatory syndrome ..[+]
proteasome-associated autoinflammatory syndrome 3
A proteasome-associated autoinflammatory syndrome ..[+]
proteosome-associated autoinflammatory syndrome 5
A proteasome-associated autoinflammatory syndrome ..[+]
polycystic kidney disease 6
An autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease ch..[+]
polycystic kidney disease 7
A autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease cha..[+]
polycystic liver disease 2
A liver disease characterized by the presence of m..[+]
polycystic liver disease 3 with or without kidney cysts
A liver disease characterized by the development o..[+]
polycystic liver disease 4 with or without kidney cysts
A liver disease characterized by adult-onset of li..[+]
progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis
PFIC; Byler disease
An intrahepatic cholestasis characterized by early..[+]
progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis 2
PFIC2; BSEP deficiency
A progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis ch..[+]
progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis 3
progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis with.. [+]
A progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis ch..[+]

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