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Disease Synonyms Description Articles Phenotypes
familial hypercholesterolemia
type II hyperlipidemia; familial hyperbetalipoprot.. [+]
A familial hyperlipidemia characterized by very hi..[+]
1 articles
white piedra
Tinea blanca; White piedra (disorder); White piedr.. [+]
A superficial mycosis that is a superficial fungal..[+]
necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
Trench mouth; trench mouth; (Vincent's angina) or .. [+]
tennis elbow; andrel epicondylitis; archer's elbow.. [+]
A bone inflammation disease that results_in inflam..[+]
De Quervain disease
Tenosynovitis, de Quervain's; Radial styloid tenos.. [+]
dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency
thymine-uracilurea; Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenas.. [+]
A purine-pyrimidine metabolic disorder that is an ..[+]
Down syndrome
trisomy 21 syndrome; Complete trisomy 21 syndrome .. [+]
A chromosomal disease that is characterized by fla..[+]
7 articles
oral candidiasis
thrush; Thrush, oral; Candidiasis of mouth; Oral m.. [+]
A candidiasis that involves fungal infection of th..[+]
parietal lobe neoplasm
tumor of Parietal Lobe; malignant neoplasm of pari.. [+]
A cerebrum cancer that is located_in the parietal ..[+]
Niemann-Pick disease
Type A Niemann-Pick Disease; lipoid histiocytosis .. [+]
A sphingoliidosis characterized by the accumulatio..[+]
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome classic type 1
type I Ehlers-Danlos syndrome; Ehlers-Danlos syndr.. [+]
An Ehlers-Danlos syndrome that is characterized by..[+]
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome hypermobility type
type III Ehlers-Danlos syndrome; Ehlers-Danlos syn.. [+]
An Ehlers-Danlos syndrome that is characterized by..[+]
brittle cornea syndrome 1
type VIB Ehlers-Danlos syndrome; brittle cornea sy.. [+]
An Ehlers-Danlos syndrome that is characterized by..[+]
olivopontocerebellar atrophy
Thomas' syndrome; Dejerine-Thomas syndrome; WADIA-.. [+]
A neurodegenerative disease that is characterized ..[+]
carbamazepine allergy
Tegretol allergy; carbamazepen allergy
A drug allergy that has_allergic_trigger carbamaze..[+]
ceftazidime allergy
Tazicef allergy; Fortaz allergy
A cephalosporin allergy that has_allergic_trigger ..[+]
co-trimoxazole allergy
trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole allergy; TMP/SMX all.. [+]
A drug allergy that has_allergic_trigger co-trimox..[+]
Flinders Island spotted fever
Thai tick typhus; FISF
A spotted fever that has_material_basis_in Rickett..[+]
Rocky Mountain spotted fever
Tick typhus; Tobia fever; Brazillian spotted; Choi.. [+]
A spotted fever that has_material_basis_in Rickett..[+]
nonepidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma
tylosis; Thost-Unna Syndrome; diffuse nonepidermol.. [+]
A palmoplantar keratosis characterized by a well-d..[+]
Antley-Bixler syndrome with disordered steroidogenesis
trapezoidocephaly-synostosis syndrome
An Antley-Bixler syndrome that is characterized at..[+]
endemic typhus
toulon typhus; cat flea rickettsiosis; fleaborne t.. [+]
A typhus that has_material_basis_in Rickettsia typ..[+]
nonphotosensitive trichothiodystrophy 4
A syndrome that is characterized by brittle hair, ..[+]
familial medullary thyroid carcinoma
A thyroid gland medullary carcinoma that has_mater..[+]
asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy
thoracic pelvic phalangeal dystrophy; Jeune syndro.. [+]
A bone development disease characterized by skelet..[+]
1 articles
biliary tract benign neoplasm
tumor of the extrahepatic bile duct; extrahepatic .. [+]
A hepatobiliary benign neoplasm located_in the bil..[+]
nicotine dependence
tobacco use disorder
A substance dependence that is characterized by a ..[+]
1 articles
X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency
thymic epithelial hypoplasia; SCID-X1; XSCID; X-Li.. [+]
A severe combined immunodeficiency that is a X-lin..[+]
immunodeficiency with hyper IgM type 3
type 3 hyper-IgM immunodeficiency; hyper-IgM syndr.. [+]
A hyper IgM syndrome that has_material_basis_in mu..[+]
Good syndrome
thymoma with hypogammaglobulinemia
A combined T cell and B cell immunodeficiency that..[+]
connective tissue benign neoplasm
tumor of the soft tissue; soft tissue benign neopl.. [+]
A musculoskeletal system benign neoplasm that is l..[+]
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis type 10
TARDBP-related frontotemporal lobar degeneration w.. [+]
An amyotrophic lateral sclerosis that has_material..[+]
Balo concentric sclerosis
Tumefactive multiple sclerosis; Balo's concentric .. [+]
A multiple sclerosis that is characterized by conc..[+]
3-M syndrome
three M syndrome; gloomy face syndrome; Le Merrer .. [+]
A syndrome characterized by dwarfism, facial dysmo..[+]
Stormorken syndrome
thrombocytopathy, asplenia and miosis
A blood platelet disease characterized by thromboc..[+]
distal 10q deletion syndrome
terminal chromosome 10q26 deletion syndrome; telom.. [+]
A chromosomal deletion syndrome that is characteri..[+]
chromosome 15q26-qter deletion syndrome
telomeric 15q deletion syndrome; 15q26 deletion sy.. [+]
A chromosomal deletion syndrome that is characteri..[+]
1 articles
chromosome 16p13.3 duplication syndrome
telomeric duplication 16p; 16p13.3 microduplicatio.. [+]
A chromosomal duplication syndrome that has_materi..[+]
chromosome 17p13.3 duplication syndrome
trisomy 17p13.3; 17p13.3 duplication syndrome; 17p.. [+]
A chromosomal duplication syndrome that has_materi..[+]
chromosome 17q12 duplication syndrome
trisomy 17q12; 17q12 microduplication syndrome
A chromosomal duplication syndrome that has_materi..[+]
chromosome 17q21.31 duplication syndrome
trisomy 17q21.31; 17q21.31 microduplication syndro.. [+]
A chromosomal duplication syndrome that has_materi..[+]
chromosome 1q21.1 duplication syndrome
trisomy 1q21.1; 1q21.1 microduplication syndrome
A chromosomal duplication syndrome that has_materi..[+]
chromosome 22q11.2 microduplication syndrome
trisomy 22q11.2; 22q11.2 microduplication syndrome.. [+]
A chromosomal duplication syndrome that has_materi..[+]
chromosome 3q29 microduplication syndrome
trisomy 3q29; 3q29 microduplication
A chromosomal duplication syndrome that has_materi..[+]
chromosome 5p13 duplication syndrome
trisomy 5p13; 5p13 microduplication syndrome
A chromosomal duplication syndrome that has_materi..[+]
chromosome Xp11.23-p11.22 duplication syndrome
trisomy Xp11.22-p11.23; microduplication Xp11.22-p.. [+]
A chromosomal duplication syndrome that has_materi..[+]
horned turban snail allergy
Turbo cornutus allergy
A snail allergy triggered by the horned turban sna..[+]
A tongue disease characterized by an unusually sho..[+]
microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism type I
Taybi-Linder syndrome; brachymelic primordial dwar.. [+]
An osteochondrodysplasia that is a form of microce..[+]
1 articles
Pendred Syndrome
TDH2B; thyroid dyshormonogenesis 2B; congenital hy.. [+]
A syndrome characterized by bilateral prelingual s..[+]
4 articles

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