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Xenbase Image ID: 86817

Figure 5. Immunohistochemical screening of different species and tissues for the presence of smoothelin. Intestinal smooth muscle tissue of human (a), goat (b), Xenopus laevis (d), and chicken oesophagus (c) were all positive for R4A. In human large intestine (e), stomach (]), uterus (g), and prostate (h), smooth muscle cells showed a strong reaction with R4A (f and h show peroxidase staining). In rabbit (k) and cat (/) heart tissue only smooth muscle cells surrounding the blood vessels are visualized by R4A, Double-stained sections of human heart (i and j), chicken skeletal muscle (m and n) and human breast myoepithelial cells (o and p) incubated with R4A (i, m, and o) and either pDes (j) or sm-1 (n and p) show the absence of smoothelin in heart muscle, skeletal muscle, and myoepithelial cells as well as in vena (asterisk). Smoothelin is clearly present in smooth muscle cells of arterial vessels (k-m). Bars: (a, b, c,f, and h) 20 p,m; (d, e, k, and l) 10 ~m; (m and n) 6 p~m; (g, i, and]) 5 um; (o and p) 4 p,m.

Image published in: van der Loop FT et al. (1996)

Copyright © 1996. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license

smtn.LX. laevisThroughout NF stage 66smooth muscle

Image source: Published

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