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Fig. 4. Spatial expression profiles of polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) genes in late tailbud embryos. Whole-mount in situ hybridization followed by longitudinal and transverse sections were performed to examine the spatial expression of ptbp1, ptbp2 and ptbp3 in late tailbud embryos. (A) ptbp1 (a) lateral view of a stage 34 embryo, the white lines indicate the level of transverse and longitudinal sections shown in panels b-i, (b-d) longitudinal sections of the head along the dorso to ventral axis, (c longitudinal section of the trunk realized at the same level as panel c, (e-i) transverse sections along the anterior to posterior axis, (i higher magnification view of panel i. Black arrowheads point to the CMZ of the retina (B) ptbp2 (a) lateral view of a stage 34 embryo, the white lines indicate the level of transverse and longitudinal sections shown in panels b-g, (b-d) longitudinal sections of the head at the level of the brain, (d longitudinal section of the trunk realized in the same plan as panel d, (e-g) transverse sections of head and trunk. Black arrowheads point to the neuronal retina. (C) ptbp3 (a) lateral view of a stage 34 embryo, the white lines indicate the level of transverse and longitudinal sections shown in panels b-j, (b-d) longitudinal sections of the head along the dorso to ventral axis, (c longitudinal section of the trunk realized at the same level as panel c, (e,f) transverse sections of the head at the level of the diencephal. (g,h) higher magnification views of transverse sections of the head at the level of the rhombocephal, (i,j) transverse sections of the trunk, (j higher magnification view of panel j. Black arrowheads and arrows point respectively to the posterior lens and the hypothalamic labeling. Abbreviations used are: da, dorsal aorta; di, diencephal; dm, dermatome; h, heart; im, intermediate mesoderm; m, myotome, nc, notochord, ov, otic vesicle; rb, rhombocephal; sc, spinal cord; va, ventral aorta.

Image published in: Noiret M et al. (2012)

Copyright © 2012. Reproduced with permission of the Publisher, University of the Basque Country Press.

ptbp1.Shnrnp I, hnrnp-I, hnrpi, ptb, ptbp1-a, ptbp1-b, vgrbp60X. laevisThroughout NF stage 33 and 34retina
intermediate mesoderm
ciliary marginal zone
otic vesicle
pharyngeal arch
mandibular arch
hyoid arch
branchial arch
head mesoderm
ptbp2.LLOC108714373X. laevisThroughout NF stage 33 and 34retina
intermediate mesoderm
head region
central nervous system
spinal cord
ptbp3.Srod1X. laevisThroughout NF stage 33 and 34intermediate mesoderm
otic vesicle
head region
pharyngeal arch
mandibular arch
hyoid arch
branchial arch
dorsal aorta
blood vessel

Image source: Published

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