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Xenbase Image ID: 76556

Fig. 2. Mustn1 is differentially expressed both temporally and spatially during X. laevis development. Agarose gel results of RT-PCR show an increase and plateau of Mustn1 expression during later neurulation (A). Mustn1 expression was further elucidated via RT-PCR on Stage 20 (B) and Stage 23 (C) embryos respectively. Total RNA was isolated from these tissues and RT-PCR was used to visualize the relative expression levels of Mustn1 compared to Whole Body samples. Expression of the metabolic gene Ornithine Decarboxylase (ODC) was used to normalize for RNA recovery, cDNA synthesis and gel loading. Mustn1 expression was visualized in wild-type embryos and analyzed via anti-sense in situ hybridization during development. Dorsal view of representative antisense stained St. 20 embryo (D) and sense control (H) respectively. Lateral view of an antisense stained embryo at St. 25 (E), and St. 39 (F). Lateral view of a sense stained embryo at St. 23 (I), and St. 39 (J). Panel G shows a magnified view of the Mustn1-antisense stained stage 39 tadpole head shown in panel F. In panels A, B and C, WB denotes RNA derived from the whole body of the embryo while H denotes tissues dissected from Head, D denotes Dorsal tissues, V denotes Ventral tissues, and P denotes Posterior regions as indicated in Nieuwkoop and Faber diagrams Nieuwkoop and Faber, 1967 with dissection planes indicated by dotted lines. In panels D–F, Black arrows denote paraxial mesoderm and somites, and in D–F, and G the black arrowhead denote craniofacial structures (M, mandibular arch; H, hyoid arch; B, branchial arch), the white arrowhead denotes heart (He in panel G), and the white arrow indicates the otic vesicle. All scale bars = 1 mm.

Image published in: Gersch RP et al. (2012)

Copyright © 2012. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

mustn1.LmustangX. laevisThroughout NF stage 20somite
mustn1.LmustangX. laevisThroughout NF stage 25somite
mustn1.LmustangX. laevisThroughout NF stage 39somite
otic vesicle
neural crest
anterior branchial crest
posterior branchial crest
hyoid crest
mandibular crest

Image source: Published

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