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Xenbase Image ID: 75277

Fig. 3. The spatial pattern of xC/EBPb expression during embryogenesis. Whole-mount in situ hybridisation to digoxigenin-labelled antisense (A) and sense probes (F), derived from the N-terminal region of the xC/EBPb gene, was carried out as described in Section 3. (A) mid-gastrula embryo (stage 11) showing expression around the blastopore lip and in endodermal cells; (B) stage 22 embryo indicating expression in the fore brain and along the whole dorsal side; (C) stage 30 embryo indicating expression in the optic vesicle (ov), branchial arches (b), spinal cord (sc) and somites; (D) close view of a stage 30 embryo showing expression in the somites and the spinal cord; (E) stage 38 embryo, arrow indicates expression in the region that gives rise to the liver and heart; (F) representative control embryos probed with the sense probe, stages 11 (F), 22 (G) and 30 (I).

Image published in: Kousteni S et al. (1998)

Copyright © 1998. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

cebpb.SC/EBPbeta, cebpb-a, cebpb-b, xC/EBPbetaX. laevisThroughout NF stage 11endoderm
upper blastopore lip
cebpb.SC/EBPbeta, cebpb-a, cebpb-b, xC/EBPbetaX. laevisThroughout NF stage 29 and 30spinal cord
otic vesicle
optic vesicle
branchial arch
cebpb.SC/EBPbeta, cebpb-a, cebpb-b, xC/EBPbetaX. laevisThroughout NF stage 22dorsal
prechordal plate
paraxial mesoderm
neural tube
optic vesicle
cebpb.SC/EBPbeta, cebpb-a, cebpb-b, xC/EBPbetaX. laevisThroughout NF stage 37 and 38heart
cardiac mesoderm
pharyngeal region

Image source: Published

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