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Xenbase Image ID: 44649

Figure 2. Expression patterns of XlMitf alpha . A: No hybridization signal was obtained with a sense RNA probe (data not shown for other stages). XlMitf alpha expression is first detected in a population of cells located on the neural tube that are thought to be premigratory melanoblast (B and C, arrowheads) at stage 21/22. B,C: B is a dorsal view of C. D: At stage 23, XlMitf alpha expression is detected in the prospective retinal pigment epithelium (arrow). E-G: At stage 27, XlMitf alpha expression is detected in the otic vesicles (E and F, black arrowheads) and in the epiphysis (E, F, insets in F, G, white arrow). The insets in F show a frontal view of XlMitf alpha and XOtx5b (marker of epiphysis) expression. White arrows show the prospective epiphysis. H: At stage 29/30, XlMitf alpha is strongly expressed in the RPE (black arrow) and epiphysis (white arrow). I: At stage 37/38, XlMitf alpha expression in both melanoblasts and RPE decreases and is almost undetectable. In contrast, XlMitf alpha expression in the lens is detectable at stage 37/38 (black arrow). J: XlDct-expressing cells show melanophores (arrowheads) and RPE (arrow). C-F,H-J show lateral views; A,B,G, dorsal views; insets in F, frontal views. In A-J, left is anterior; F,G, higher magnifications of E. EP, epiphysis; LE, lens; MB, melanoblast; MP, melanophore; OV, otic vesicle; RPE, retinal pigment epithelium.

Image published in: Kumasaka M et al. (2004)

Copyright © 2004. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, John Wiley & Sons.

mitf.SMITF-A, mitf-a, mitf-b, mitfaX. laevisSometime during NF stage 21 to NF stage 22neural tube
mitf.SMITF-A, mitf-a, mitf-b, mitfaX. laevisThroughout NF stage 23retinal pigmented epithelium
mitf.SMITF-A, mitf-a, mitf-b, mitfaX. laevisThroughout NF stage 27otic vesicle
pineal gland
mitf.SMITF-A, mitf-a, mitf-b, mitfaX. laevisThroughout NF stage 29 and 30retinal pigmented epithelium
mitf.SMITF-A, mitf-a, mitf-b, mitfaX. laevisThroughout NF stage 37 and 38lens

Image source: Published

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