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Xenbase Image ID: 150970

Figure S5: Comparative whole mount in situ expression analysis of staged X. tropicalis embryos using an antisense X. tropicalis Numb3 RNA probe (A-I) or a antisense X. laevis NumbL RNA probe (J-R). The embryos in A, H, I, J, Q, and R are shown in a lateral view; in B, D, F, K, M and O in an anterior view; in C, E, G, L, N and P in a dorsal view. The expressions patterns obtained are highly correlative with those shown Figure 1 using X. laevis embryos demonstrating cross-species probe hybridization of Numb3 and NumbL and their conservation in expression.

Image published in: Nieber F et al. (2013)

Copyright © 2013 Nieber et al. Creative Commons Attribution license

numbLOC108699734, S171X. tropicalisSometime during NF stage 4 (8-cell) to NF stage 28animal hemisphere
animal blastomere
neural fold
anterior neural fold
sensorial layer
neural tube
pronephric duct
otic vesicle
trigeminal placode
profundal placode
numblcag3a, ctg3a, LOC108698619, LOC108700267, nbl, numb-r, numblike, numbr, tnrc23X. tropicalisSometime during NF stage 5 (16-cell) to NF stage 28animal blastomere
animal hemisphere
neural plate
neural fold
anterior neural fold
cement gland
spinal cord
sensorial layer of neurectoderm
pharyngeal arch

Image source: Published

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