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Xenbase Image ID: 145811

FIG. 4. Localization of Xenopus FAK mRNA by whole-mount in situ hybridization. Albino embryos were treated with digoxygenin-labeled antisense RNA probes followed by incubation with an alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-digoxygenin antibody. RNA hybrios were visualized using the NBT/BCIP chromogenic reaction. (A) Side view of a stage 35 embryo. FAK expression is evident in structures of the central nervous system in the head and trunk. Staining in the rhombomeres (r) is continuous with cellular staining in the neural tube (nt), which runs along the length of the embryo. Faint staining is also evident in the caudal-most region of the somitic field of the trunk. (B) Higher magnification of the head of the same embryo. FAK expression in cells of the forebrain (fb), midbrain (mb), and hindbrain (hb) and the eye {e) is indicated. Positively stained cranial nerves are identified as trigeminal (t), facial (f), glossopharyngeal (g), and vagus (v). (C) Dorsal view of a similarly staged embryo. Arrows indicate discrete localization of FAK mRNA in the lobes of the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. (D) Different focal plane of the same embryo. FAK transcripts are localized to structures of the developing eye including the lens (I) and the developing retina (r). Scale bars; A, 200 um; B-D, 100 um.

Image published in: Hens MD and DeSimone DW (1995)

Copyright © 1995. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

ptk2.Lfak, pp125FAK, XPFAKX. laevisThroughout NF stage 35 and 36central nervous system
spinal cord
cranial nerve
trigeminal nerve
facial nerve
glossopharyngeal nerve
vagus nerve

Image source: Published

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