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Fig. 1. pqbp1 and wbp11 genes are similarly expressed in mesoderm and neural tissues during Xenopus development. (A) WISH detection of pqbp1 and wbp11 transcripts in 64-cell blastula, neurula and tailbud tadpole; lateral views except anterior (ant) view of neurula. (B-E) WISH on intact (C,E) or longitudinally bisected (B,D) embryos with probes indicated. Asterisks mark the dorsal blastopore lip. (B) pqbp1 transcripts are present in the animal pole ectoderm and marginal zone in early gastrula (stage 10.5), upper panel; sense probe, lower panel. (C) Expression of pqbp1 and chordin in gastrulae, stage 11.5. (D) Expression of pqbp1, wbp11, chordin and sox2 in late gastrulae, dorsal-posterior views. Expression of pqbp1 overlaps with chordin in dorsal/axial mesoderm (arrows) and with sox2 in anterior neurectoderm. (E) Expression of pqbp1 and ncam mRNA in the neural plate of early neurula embryos. Note pqbp1 expression is in a broader region than ncam. an, anterior neurectoderm; chd, chordin; S, pqbp1 sense probe.

Image published in: Iwasaki Y and Thomsen GH (2014)

Copyright © 2014. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher and the copyright holder. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

pqbp1.Lmrx55, mrxs3, mrxs8, npw38, rens1X. laevisThroughout NF stage 7animal hemisphere
animal blastomere
pqbp1.Lmrx55, mrxs3, mrxs8, npw38, rens1X. laevisThroughout NF stage 22neural crest
cranial neural crest
migratory neural crest cell
branchial crest
optic field
neural tube
neural plate
pqbp1.Lmrx55, mrxs3, mrxs8, npw38, rens1X. laevisThroughout NF stage 32pronephric tubule
pronephric mesenchyme
spinal cord
pharyngeal arch
mandibular arch
hyoid arch
branchial arch
otic vesicle
pqbp1.Lmrx55, mrxs3, mrxs8, npw38, rens1X. laevisSometime during NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 11.5animal pole
animal cap
marginal zone
pqbp1.Lmrx55, mrxs3, mrxs8, npw38, rens1X. laevisThroughout NF stage 12.5dorsal marginal zone
anterior neuroectoderm
pqbp1.Lmrx55, mrxs3, mrxs8, npw38, rens1X. laevisThroughout NF stage 13 to NF stage 21neural plate
head region
cranial neural crest
ventrolateral neural tube

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