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Figure 7. ALK7 mRNA is localized in the ectodermal and organizer regions of Xenopus gastrula embryos and is expressed during early stages of mouse embryonic development. (A) Amino acid sequence alignment of Xenopus and rat ALK7 fragments. The Xenopus ALK7 fragment obtained overlaps with the rat sequence from amino acid residues 259 to 312 located to the kinase domain. (+) Conservative changes; (−) non-conservative changes. (B) Phylogenetic analysis of homologous fragments from Xenopus and rat ALK7, and the related receptors ALK4 and ALK5. The tree was drawn using NJPLOT based on an alignment made in CLUSTALX. (C) Xenopus ALK7 is expressed maternally and persists throughout development as analyzed by RT–PCR on oocytes and embryos. (D) Expression of xALK7 is localized to dorsal-animal regions in early gastrula stage embryos. As control for correct embryo dissection the following marker genes were used: (Gsc) goosecoid (dorsal expression); (Xbra) Brachyury (dorsal–ventral or marginal); (msx) muscle-segment-homeobox-related gene (ventral); (EK) epidermal keratin (animal-ventral). Histone was used as loading control. (E) In situ hybridization analysis reveals expression of ALK7 in the organizer. Cross sections of those embryos show ALK7 expression in dorsal (d) and animal pole region (an). The blastopore lip (bp) is indicated. (v) Ventral; (veg) vegetal. (F) Expression of ALK7 mRNA in the early mouse embryo. RNA from the indicated days of mouse embryonic development (lanes1–4), as well as adult brain mRNA (lane 5) and negative control (yeast tRNA, lane 6) were analyzed by RNase protection assay (RPA) for expression of ALK7 mRNA using a specific mouse ALK7 riboprobe.

Image published in: Reissmann E et al. (2001)

Copyright © 2001. Image reproduced on with permission of the Publisher, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. This is an Open Access article.

acvr1c.LALK7X. laevisThroughout NF stage 11dorsal
upper blastopore lip
dorsal marginal zone

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