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Disease Synonyms Description Articles Phenotypes
distal 10q deletion syndrome
chromosome 10q26 deletion syndrome; monosomy 10qte.. [+]
A chromosomal deletion syndrome that is characteri..[+]
NFIA-related disorder
Chromosome 1, Monosomy 1p32; chromosome 1p32-p31 d.. [+]
A syndrome that has_material_basis_in heterozygous..[+]
3p deletion syndrome
chromosome 3pter-P25 deletion syndrome; distal mon.. [+]
A chromosomal deletion syndrome that has_material_..[+]
SATB2-associated syndrome
chromosome 2q32-q33 deletion syndrome; 2q32-q33 mi.. [+]
A syndrome that has_material_basis_in genetic chan..[+]
granular corneal dystrophy 2
combined granular-lattice corneal dystrophy; corne.. [+]
An corneal granular dystrophy that is characterize..[+]
epithelial basement membrane dystrophy
Cogan corneal dystrophy; EBMD; microcystic corneal.. [+]
An epithelial and subepithelial dystrophy that is ..[+]
gelatinous drop-like corneal dystrophy
corneal amyloidosis; primary familial amyloidosis .. [+]
An epithelial and subepithelial dystrophy that is ..[+]
posterior amorphous corneal dystrophy
chromosome 12q21.33 deletion syndrome; PACD
A stromal dystrophy that is characterized by irreg..[+]
Reis-Bucklers corneal dystrophy
corneal dystrophy of Bowman layer type I; anterior.. [+]
An epithelial-stromal TGFBI dystrophy that is char..[+]
Thiel-Behnke corneal dystrophy
corneal dystrophy of Bowman layer type II; corneal.. [+]
An epithelial-stromal TGFBI dystrophy that is char..[+]
Schnyder corneal dystrophy
crystalline stromal dystrophy; corneal dystrophy c.. [+]
A stromal dystrophy that is characterized by abnor..[+]
familial erythrocytosis 2
Chuvash type polycythemia; Chuvash polycythemia; C.. [+]
A primary polycythemia that has_material_basis_in ..[+]
myoclonic-atonic epilepsy
childhood onset epileptic encephalopathy; EEOC
An idiopathic generalized epilepsy characterized b..[+]
4 articles
orange allery
Citrus sinensis fruit allergy
A fruit allergy triggered by Citrus sinensis plant..[+]
melon allergy
Cucumis melo fruit allergy
A fruit allergy triggered by Cucumis melo plant fr..[+]
goat milk allergy
Capra hircus milk allergy
A milk allergy triggered by Capra hircus milk.
Ritscher-Schinzel syndrome
craniocerebellocardiac dysplasia; CCC dysplasia; 3.. [+]
A syndrome characterized by craniofacial (prominen..[+]
hypertrichotic osteochondrodysplasia Cantu type
Cantu syndrome
An osteochondrodysplasia that is characterized by ..[+]
Yunis-Varon syndrome
cleidocranial dysplasia with micrognathia, absent .. [+]
A syndrome characterized by skeletal defects, incl..[+]
microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism type I
cephaloskeletal dysplasia; brachymelic primordial .. [+]
An osteochondrodysplasia that is a form of microce..[+]
1 articles
fetal encasement syndrome
cocoon syndrome; fetal encasement syndrome
A syndrome that has_material_basis_in homozygous m..[+]
anterior segment dysgenesis
corneal opacification and other ocular anomalies; .. [+]
An eye disease that is characterized by iris hypop..[+]
arteriovenous malformations of the brain
cerebral arteriovenous malformation; intracranial .. [+]
A central nervous system benign neoplasm that deri..[+]
congenital stiff man syndrome; familial startle di.. [+]
A nervous system disease characterized by an exagg..[+]
6 articles
lymphoproliferative syndrome
Combined immunodeficiency due to ITK deficiency
A primary immunodeficiency disease characterized b..[+]
lymphoproliferative syndrome 2
CD27 deficiency; LPFS2
A lymphoproliferative syndrome characterized by au..[+]
congenital disorder of glycosylation type Iv; cong.. [+]
A carbohydrate metabolic disorder that is characte..[+]
junctional epidermolysis bullosa with pyloric atresia
Carmi syndrome; JEB-PA; junctional epidermolysis b.. [+]
A junctional epidermolysis bullosa characterized b..[+]
Pendred Syndrome
congenital hypothyroidism due to dyshormonogenesis.. [+]
A syndrome characterized by bilateral prelingual s..[+]
4 articles
basal laminar drusen
cuticular drusen; drusen of bruch membrane; early .. [+]
A retinal drusen characterized by yellow-white dep..[+]
autosomal recessive Robinow syndrome
COVESDEM syndrome; costovertebral segmentation def.. [+]
A Robinow syndrome characterized by autosomal rece..[+]
Smith-Magenis syndrome
chromosome 17p11.2 deletion syndrome; 17p11.2 micr.. [+]
A chromosomal deletion syndrome that is characteri..[+]
2 articles
dextro-looped transposition of the great arteries
congenitally uncorrected transposition of the grea.. [+]
A congenital heart disease characterized by comple..[+]
1 articles
microvillus inclusion disease
congenital familial protracted diarrhea with enter.. [+]
A congenital diarrhea characterized by onset of in..[+]
syndromic X-linked intellectual disability Cabezas type
Cabezas syndrome; mental retardation, X-linked, sy.. [+]
A syndromic X-linked intellectual disability chara..[+]
Griscelli syndrome
Chediak-Higashi-like syndrome; Chédiak-Higashi-li.. [+]
An integumentary system disease characterized by s..[+]
2 articles
hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies
current pressure-sensitive neuropathy; familial re.. [+]
A neuropathy characterized by autosomal dominant i..[+]
Potocki-Lupski syndrome
chromosome 17p11.2 duplication syndrome; 17p11.2 m.. [+]
A chromosomal duplication syndrome characterized b..[+]
hypotonia-cystinuria syndrome
cystinuria with mitochondrial disease
A syndrome that has_material_basis_in homozygous d..[+]
leukoencephalopathy with vanishing white matter
CLE; Cree leukoencephalopathy; CACH/VWM; childhood.. [+]
A leukodystrophy characterized by variable neurolo..[+]
isolated growth hormone deficiency
congenital IGHD; congenital isolated growth hormon.. [+]
A hypopituitarism characterized by abnormally low ..[+]
isolated growth hormone deficiency type II
congenital isolated GH deficiency type II; congeni.. [+]
An isolated growth hormone deficiency characterize..[+]
isolated growth hormone deficiency type IB
congenital isolated growth hormone deficiency type.. [+]
An isolated growth hormone deficiency characterize..[+]
isolated growth hormone deficiency type III
congenital IGHD type III; congenital isolated grow.. [+]
An isolated growth hormone deficiency characterize..[+]
ectopic Cushing syndrome
Cushing syndrome due to ectopic ACTH secretion; ec.. [+]
A primary hyperaldosteronism that is characterized..[+]
APP-related cerebral amyloid angiopathy
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, App-Related, Italian .. [+]
A cerebral amyloid angiopathy that has_material_ba..[+]
ITM2B-related cerebral amyloid angiopathy 1
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, British Type; Familia.. [+]
A cerebral amyloid angiopathy characterized by ons..[+]
ITM2B-related cerebral amyloid angiopathy 2
Cerebellar Ataxia, Cataract, Deafness, and Dementi.. [+]
A cerebral amyloid angiopathy characterized by ata..[+]
schizophrenia 18
Chromosome 7q36.3 Duplication Syndrome, 362-Kb; SC.. [+]
A schizophrenia that has_material_basis_in a mutat..[+]
autosomal recessive cutis laxa type III
cutis laxa-corneal clouding-intellectual disabilit.. [+]
A cutis laxa characterized by a progeria-like appe..[+]

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