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Disease Synonyms Description Articles Phenotypes
phalanx chondroma
A bone benign neoplasm that is located_in the phal..[+]
parietal lobe ependymoma
A parietal lobe neoplasm that has_material_basis_i..[+]
pharynx squamous cell carcinoma
A pharynx cancer that has_material_basis_in squamo..[+]
parotid gland adenoid cystic carcinoma
A parotid gland cancer that is characterized by a ..[+]
pervasive developmental disorder
Pervasive Child Development Disorders; pervasive d.. [+]
A developmental disorder of mental health that ref..[+]
36 articles
paraphilia disorder
A sexual disorder that is characterized recurrent,..[+]
popliteal pterygium syndrome
popliteal web syndrome; facio-genito-popliteal syn.. [+]
A syndrome characterized by abnormal development o..[+]
primary cutaneous T-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma
cutaneous T-cell lymphoma; cutaneous T cell lympho.. [+]
A peripheral T-cell lymphoma that has_material_bas..[+]
pyridoxine-responsive sideroblastic anemia
A sideoblastic anemia that is characterized by the..[+]
Pearson syndrome
Pearson Marrow-Pancreas Syndrome
A mitochondrial metabolism disease that is charact..[+]
pre-malignant neoplasm
A disease of cellular proliferation that results i..[+]
progesterone-receptor positive breast cancer
progesterone-receptor negative breast cancer
peritoneal benign neoplasm
A thoracic benign neoplasm that is located_in the ..[+]
pharynx cancer
pharyngeal neoplasm; pharynx neoplasm; pharyngeal .. [+]
A gastrointestinal system cancer that is located_i..[+]
pain agnosia
An agnosia that is a loss of the ability to percei..[+]
2 articles
An agnosia that is a loss of the ability to recogn..[+]
pain disorder
A somatoform disorder that involves chronic pain i..[+]
9 articles
physical urticaria
An urticaria induced by external physical influenc..[+]
blepharoptosis; drooping eyelid
An eye disease characterized by the drooping or fa..[+]
A brain disease that is characterized by encephalo..[+]
pontocerebellar hypoplasia
A neurodegenerative disease that is characterized ..[+]
pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 1A
A pontocerebellar hypoplasia that is characterized..[+]
pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 1B
A severe pontocerebellar hypoplasia that is charac..[+]
pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 2A
A severe pontocerebellar hypoplasia that is charac..[+]
pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 2B
A severe pontocerebellar hypoplasia that is charac..[+]
pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 2C
A severe pontocerebellar hypoplasia that is charac..[+]
pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 2D
A pontocerebellar hypoplasia that is characterized..[+]
pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 2E
A pontocerebellar hypoplasia that is characterized..[+]
pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 3
A pontocerebellar hypoplasia that is characterized..[+]
pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 4
A pontocerebellar hypoplasia that is characterized..[+]
pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 5
A pontocerebellar hypoplasia that is characterized..[+]
pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 6
A pontocerebellar hypoplasia that is characterized..[+]
pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 7
A pontocerebellar hypoplasia that is characterized..[+]
pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 8
A pontocerebellar hypoplasia that is characterized..[+]
pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 9
A pontocerebellar hypoplasia that is characterized..[+]
pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 10
A pontocerebellar hypoplasia that is characterized..[+]
primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease
An adrenal cortex disease characterized by small t..[+]
photosensitive epilepsy
photoparoxysmal response; photogenic epilepsy
An epilepsy characterized by seizures triggered by..[+]
persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous
A developmental vitreous disease that is character..[+]
peeling skin syndrome
peeling skin disease; PSS; deciduous skin; familia.. [+]
A skin disease that is characterized by the painle..[+]
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
An acquired hemolytic anemia that is characterized..[+]
parietal foramina
Caitlin marks; enlarged parietal foramina; heredit.. [+]
An inherited neural tube defect that is characteri..[+]
persistent generalized lymphadenopathy
A lymph node disease characterized by enlarged, no..[+]
parameningeal embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
An embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma located in the param..[+]
punctate palmoplantar keratoderma
punctate palmoplantar hyperkeratosis; punctate ker.. [+]
A palmoplantar keratosis characterized by keratose..[+]
punctate palmoplantar keratoderma type III
punctate palmoplantar hyperkeratosis type 3; punct.. [+]
A punctate palmoplantar keratoderma that is charac..[+]
Parkinson's disease 1
autosomal dominant Parkinson disease 1; autosomal .. [+]
A late onset Parkinson's disease that has_material..[+]
Parkinson's disease 2
autosomal recessive juvenile Parkinson disease 2; .. [+]
An early-onset Parkinson's disease that has_materi..[+]
Parkinson's disease 6
PARK6; early-onset Parkinson disease 6; autosomal .. [+]
An early-onset Parkinson's disease that has_materi..[+]

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