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Disease Synonyms Description Articles Phenotypes
Waardenburg syndrome type 4C
WS4C; Waardenburg syndrome type IVC; Waardenburg s.. [+]
A Waardenburg syndrome characterized by pigmentary..[+]
Waisman syndrome
early-onset parkinsonism-intellectual disability s.. [+]
A syndrome characterized by delayed psychomotor de..[+]
Waldeyer's ring cancer
malignant neoplasm of Waldeyer's ring; malignant t.. [+]
Walker-Warburg syndrome
cerebroocular dysplasia-muscular dystrophy syndrom.. [+]
A congenital muscular dystrophy that is characteri..[+]
Warburg micro syndrome
micro syndrome; Warburg-Sjo-Fledelius syndrome; WA.. [+]
A syndrome characterized by severe intellectual di..[+]
Warburg micro syndrome 1
Micro Syndrome 1; WARBM1;
A Warburg micro syndrome that has_material_basis_i..[+]
Warburg micro syndrome 2
WARBM2; Micro Syndrome 2;
A Warburg micro syndrome that has_material_basis_i..[+]
Warburg micro syndrome 3
Micro Syndrome 3; WARBM3;
A Warburg micro syndrome that has_material_basis_i..[+]
Warburg micro syndrome 4
WARBM4; Micro Syndrome 4;
A Warburg micro syndrome that has_material_basis_i..[+]
Warsaw breakage syndrome
A syndrome mainly characterized by severe congenit..[+]
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
WFS; Meningococcal hemorrhagic adrenalitis;
An adrenal gland disease that is characterized by ..[+]
Watson syndrome
A RASopathy characterized by pulmonic stenosis, ca..[+]
Weaver syndrome
WEAVER-LIKE SYNDROME; Weaver-Williams syndrome;
A syndrome that is characterized by prenatal and p..[+]
Weill-Marchesani syndrome
congenital mesodermal dystrophy; Mesodermal Dysmor.. [+]
A syndrome characterized by short stature, brachyc..[+]
Weissenbacher-Zweymuller syndrome
Piere-Robin syndrome; Pierre Robin Malformation;
An osteochondrodysplasia that results_in shortened..[+]
Werdnig-Hoffmann disease
HMN (Hereditary motor Neuropathy) Proximal type I;.. [+]
A childhood spinal muscular atrophy that is a seve..[+]
Werner syndrome
adult premature ageing syndrome; Werner's syndrome.. [+]
A progeroid syndrome characterized by premature ag..[+]
Wernicke encephalopathy
Wernicke's disease; Wernicke's encephalopathy;
A brain disease that is characterized by the prese..[+]
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
Korsakoff Syndrome; Korsakoff's psychosis (disorde.. [+]
A nutritional deficiency disease that is character..[+]
West Nile encephalitis
West Nile Fever with encephalitis; West Nile fever.. [+]
A viral infectious disease that results in inflamm..[+]
West Nile fever
A viral infectious disease that results_in infecti..[+]
West syndrome
Infantile spasms syndrome;
An infancy electroclinical syndrome that is charac..[+]
1 articles
Western equine encephalitis
A viral infectious disease that results_in inflamm..[+]
1 articles
Weyers acrofacial dysostosis
acrofacial dysostosis, Weyers type; WAD; Weyers ac.. [+]
An acrofacial dysostosis characterized by dental a..[+]
Whipple disease
intestinal lipodystrophy; Whipple's disease; Whipp.. [+]
White-Sutton syndrome
autosomal dominant mental retardation 37; MRD37; W.. [+]
An autosomal dominant intellectual developmental d..[+]
Whitewater Arroyo hemorrhagic fever
A viral infectious disease that is a hemorrhagic f..[+]
Wiedemann-Rautenstrauch syndrome
Neonatal progeroid syndrome; PROGEROID SYNDROME, N.. [+]
A progeroid syndrome that is characterized by intr..[+]
Williams-Beuren syndrome
Fanconi Schlesinger syndrome; WBS;
A syndrome that is characterized by mild to modera..[+]
1 articles
Wilson disease
hepatolenticular degeneration; Westphal pseudoscle.. [+]
A metal metabolism disease that is characterized b..[+]
Wilson-Turner syndrome
mental retardation, X-linked, syndromic 6; mental .. [+]
A syndromic X-linked intellectual disability chara..[+]
Winchester syndrome
A syndrome that is characterized by a loss of bone..[+]
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
Wiskott syndrome;
A syndrome that is characterized by abnormal immun..[+]
Wissler-Fanconi syndrome
Wissler syndrome; Wissler-Fanconi syndrome (findin.. [+]
A syndrome that is characterized by true sepsis, a..[+]
Wolcott-Rallison syndrome
A syndrome that is characterized by permanent neon..[+]
Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome
PITT SYNDROME; Pitt-Rogers-Danks Syndrome; 4p dele.. [+]
A chromosomal deletion syndrome that is characteri..[+]
5 articles 19 matches
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
Anomalous A-V excitation; anomalous atrioventricul.. [+]
Wolffian adnexal neoplasm
Wolffian duct adenocarcinoma
Wolffian duct adenoma
Mesonephric adenoma; Mesonephroma, benign (morphol.. [+]
A reproductive organ benign neoplasm that derives_..[+]
Wolfram syndrome
Diabetes mellitus AND insipidus with optic atrophy.. [+]
A syndrome that is characterized by diabetes melli..[+]
Wolfram syndrome 1
WFS1; diabetes mellitus AND insipidus with optic a.. [+]
An autosomal recessive disease that is characteriz..[+]
Wolfram syndrome 2
An autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder ..[+]
Wolfram syndrome, mitochondrial form
diabetes mellitus AND insipidus with optic atrophy.. [+]
A Wolfram syndrome that has_material_basis_in muta..[+]
Wolman disease
Acid lipase deficiency; Wolman xanthomatosis; Xant.. [+]
A lysosomal acid lipase deficiency characterized b..[+]
Woodhouse-Sakati syndrome
diabetes-hypogonadism-deafness-intellectual disabi.. [+]
A syndrome characterized by hypogonadism, alopecia..[+]
Worth syndrome
autosomal dominant endosteal hyperostosis; autosom.. [+]
A hyperostosis that has_material_basis_in a mutati..[+]
X-Linked immunodeficiency 74
IMD74; respiratory insufficiency due to SARS-CoV-2.. [+]
A T cell deficiency characterized by severe respir..[+]
X-linked Aarskog syndrome
Aarskog-Scott syndrome; faciogenital dysplasia; Gr.. [+]
A syndromic X-linked intellectual disability affec..[+]
X-linked Alport syndrome
nephropathy and deafness, X-linked; ATS;
An Alport syndrome that has_material_basis_in muta..[+]

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