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PLoS One 2022 Aug 02;178:e0273507. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0273507.
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Functions of block of proliferation 1 during anterior development in Xenopus laevis.

Gärtner C , Meßmer A , Dietmann P , Kühl M , Kühl SJ .

Block of proliferation 1 (Bop1) is a nucleolar protein known to be necessary for the assembly of the 60S subunit of ribosomes. Here, we show a specific bop1 expression in the developing anterior tissue of the South African clawed frog Xenopus laevis. Morpholino oligonucleotide-mediated knockdown approaches demonstrated that Bop1 is required for proper development of the cranial cartilage, brain, and the eyes. Furthermore, we show that bop1 knockdown leads to impaired retinal lamination with disorganized cell layers. Expression of neural crest-, brain-, and eye-specific marker genes was disturbed. Apoptotic and proliferative processes, which are known to be affected during ribosomal biogenesis defects, are not hindered upon bop1 knockdown. Because early Xenopus embryos contain a large store of maternal ribosomes, we considered if Bop1 might have a role independent of de novo ribosomal biogenesis. At early embryonic stages, pax6 expression was strongly reduced in bop1 morphants and synergy experiments indicate a common signaling pathway of the two molecules, Bop1 and Pax6. Our studies imply a novel function of Bop1 independent of ribosomal biogenesis.

PubMed ID: 36007075
PMC ID: PMC9409556
Article link: PLoS One

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: bop1 celf1 cryba1 egr2 emx1 en2 foxd3 myc nubp1 odc1 otx2 pam pax6 pou4f1 prox1 rax rho rpe slc12a3 sox2 sox3 tp53 vsx1
GO keywords: ribosome biogenesis [+]
Morpholinos: bop1 MO1 bop1 MO2 pax6 MO1 tp53 MO1
gRNAs referenced: bop1 gRNA1

Disease Ontology terms: Shwachman-Diamond syndrome [+]

Article Images: [+] show captions
References [+] :
Allende, Insertional mutagenesis in zebrafish identifies two novel genes, pescadillo and dead eye, essential for embryonic development. 1996, Pubmed, Xenbase