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Fig. 5 (Left). Nrxn III α is expressed in a subset of neural cells. (A,B) In situ hybridisation with an α-nrxn III-specific probe identifies a row of primary neurons at stage 24 (A), that lies either side of the midline towards the anterior end of the embryo. (C) By the tailbud stage, expression resolves into two stripes either side of the midline (red and green arrows). Those arrowed in red are located in the position expected for primary interneurons. The second band is located more ventrally. Within the head there are discrete areas of expression (yellow arrows). (D,E) Transverse sections at the level of the hindbrain (D) and anterior spinal cord (E). nrxnIIIα expression (red arrows) is restricted to the lateral neural tube.

Image published in: Zeng Z et al. (2006)

Copyright © 2006. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher.

nrxn3.LLOC108699836X. laevisThroughout NF stage 24Rohon-Beard neuron
posterior neural tube
nrxn3.LLOC108699836X. laevisThroughout NF stage 32spinal cord
Rohon-Beard neuron
pineal gland
profundal placode

Image source: Published

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