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Figure 2. Xneur Expression in Early Xenopus Embryos(A–D) WISH analysis of Xenopus for Xneur RNA expression, shown as dorsal views (A and B), side view (C), or as a transverse section at the level of the spinal cord (D). XneurRNA is expressed within primary neurons in the neural plate ([A–D], black arrowhead) and ciliated cells in the skin ([A–D], white arrowhead). Lower and more diffuse expression of XNeur is detected at stages prior to cell type determination ([A and B], brackets).(E–H) Embryos injected with RNA encoding Notch-ICD (E and F) or Su(H)DBM (G and H) were stained for Xneur RNA by WISH. Arrows and arrowheads indicate primary neurons and ciliated-cell precursors, respectively.

Image published in: Deblandre GA et al. (2001)

Copyright © 2001. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

neurl1.Lneuralized, XneurX. laevisSometime during NF stage 4 (8-cell) to NF stage 23neuron
neural plate
ciliated epidermal cell

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