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Fig. 3. Endocrine gene expression in isolated whole guts (A–D) Insulin expression. Initially expression is only seen in the dorsal (d) pancreas at stage 41. At stage 45 insulin expression is detected in several large groups of cells in the dorsal pancreas. By stage 47 expression is also seen in the ventral (v) pancreas. (E–H) Glucagon expression. Glucagon-expressing cells are first detected at stage 41 in the stomach. No expression is seen in the pancreas until stage 45, and by stage 47 large numbers of glucagon-expressing cells are present throughout the whole pancreas as well as the stomach and the intestine. Labels in figures are d for dorsal pancreas and v for ventral pancreas. (A,E) Stages 40–41. (B,F) Stages 42–44. (C,G) Stages 45–46. (D,H) Stages 47–48.

Image published in: Horb ME and Slack JM (2002)

Copyright © 2002. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

gcg.Lglucagon, proglucagon IX. laevisSometime during NF stage 41 to NF stage 47stomach
amy2b.SX. laevisSometime during NF stage 45 to NF stage 47pancreas
gcg.Lglucagon, proglucagon IX. laevisSometime during NF stage 45 to NF stage 47pancreas

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