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Figure 3. Spatial distribution of FRIED transcripts in Xenopus embryos. Wholemount in situ hybridization analysis has been carried out with digoxygenin-labeled FRIED anti-sense RNA probes with embryos at different developmental stages. A: Stage 10, animal pole is at the top, dorsal is to the right. FRIED RNA is detectable in animal pole ectoderm of a bisected embryo. B,C: At stage 10+, FRIED transcripts are visible in the dorsal blastopore lip. A,B: Saggital view. C: Vegetal pole view. D: Stage 14, dorsal view, anterior is at the top. FRIED is expressed in anterior ectoderm area and around closed blastopore at the beginning of neurulation. E: Tailbud stage, anterior is to the left. FRIED transcripts are clearly detectable in the brain and spinal cord, eyes and otic vesicles, and in lateral plate mesoderm. A control RNA probe did not produce similar staining patterns (data not shown).

Image published in: Itoh K et al. (2005)

Copyright © 2005. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, John Wiley & Sons.

ptpn13.Lfap-1, fried, Frizzled interaction and ectoderm defects, pnp1, ptp-bas, ptp-bl, ptp1e, ptpl1, ptpleX. laevisThroughout NF stage 10animal hemisphere
upper blastopore lip
ptpn13.Lfap-1, fried, Frizzled interaction and ectoderm defects, pnp1, ptp-bas, ptp-bl, ptp1e, ptpl1, ptpleX. laevisThroughout NF stage 14ectoderm
neural plate
circumblastoporal collar
ptpn13.Lfap-1, fried, Frizzled interaction and ectoderm defects, pnp1, ptp-bas, ptp-bl, ptp1e, ptpl1, ptpleX. laevisThroughout NF stage 28brain
otic vesicle
spinal cord
lateral plate mesoderm

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