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Fig. 2. Expression of Xsl-1 RNA. All embryos are pictured with the anterior to the left unless otherwise noted (B,E,K). Stages 12 (A–C) and 17 (D–E) are shown from dorsal views (A,D), frontal views (B,E), where dorsal is to the top of the frame, and as saggital sections (C,F). Stages 24 (G), 28 (H), 33 (I,L,M), and 37 (J,N) are shown as lateral views. Panel K is a transverse section of a stage 37 embryo at approximately the level of fourth trunk somite. High magnification views of a cleared stage 33 embryo are pictured in L (anterior) and M (posterior). A high magnification view of expression in the pronephros, somites, and neural tube of a cleared stage 37 embryo is seen in N. Further description of the arrows and arrowheads can be found in Section 1.

Image published in: Martin BL and Harland RM (2004)

Copyright © 2004. Image reproduced with permission of the Publisher, Elsevier B. V.

kitlgsteel, Xkl-1, Xsl, Xsl-1, Xsl-2XenopusThroughout NF stage 12epidermis outer layer
neuroectoderm inner layer
kitlgsteel, Xkl-1, Xsl, Xsl-1, Xsl-2XenopusSometime during NF stage 12 to NF stage 37 and 38epidermis
kitlgsteel, Xkl-1, Xsl, Xsl-1, Xsl-2XenopusSometime during NF stage 17 to tadpole stageepidermis
cement gland primordium
kitlgsteel, Xkl-1, Xsl, Xsl-1, Xsl-2XenopusThroughout NF stage 45 to NF stage 66pronephric kidney
neural tube
otic placode
pharyngeal arch
kitlgsteel, Xkl-1, Xsl, Xsl-1, Xsl-2XenopusSometime during NF stage 28 to NF stage 66
kitlgsteel, Xkl-1, Xsl, Xsl-1, Xsl-2XenopusThroughout NF stage 37 and 38pronephric duct
neural tube

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