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Figure 2. zbtb26 has a conserved role in amphibian thyroid development. (A,B) Developmental expression of zbtb26 mRNA in the thyroid anlage of the frog X. laevis. Transcripts in the head are detected ventrally in the medial ((A,B), black arrowheads) and ventro-lateral pharyngeal mesenchyme (white arrowheads) of stage 32 (A,A) and stage 37 (B,B). Plane of sections in (A,B) are indicated by dashed lines in (A,B); magnified areas in (A,B) are indicated by dashed boxes in (A,B). (CE) pax2 expression in the thyroid anlage of stage 39 embryos is reduced by zbtb26 knockdown. Thyroid anlage is highlighted by arrowheads. zbtb26-MO-injected specimens showed reduced or lost expression of pax2 in the thyroid (D,D,E) compared to control embryos (C,C,E). This could be rescued by co-injection of full-length zbtb26 mRNA (E). Please note apparently more robust pax2-expression in zbtb26 mRNA-alone injected specimens (E). (FI) Loss of zbtb26 negatively affects development of the thyroid. Examples of paraffin-sections of control embryo (F) or specimens after knockdown of zbtb26 (G,H) with paired early thyroids highlighted by blue dotted circles. Please note the strongly reduced right thyroid anlage in (G) and the lost left anlage in (H). Dot plot of quantification of single thyroids showing significantly reduced average size in morphants versus controls (I). A, anterior; cg, cement gland; co, control; D, dorsal; ey, eye; me, mesencephalon; no, notochord; n.s., not significant; nt, neural tube; ph, pharynx; P, posterior; rh, rhombencephalon, R, right; st., stage; and V, ventral. Sample numbers indicated in brackets (in (E), embryos; in (I), left or right side of thyroid anlage). ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001.

Image published in: Vick P et al. (2021)

Copyright © 2021. This image is reproduced with permission of the publisher and the copyright holder. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

zbtb26.LX. laevisSometime during NF stage 32 to NF stage 37 and 38eye
head mesenchyme
pharyngeal mesenchyme

Image source: Published

Experiment + Assay Source Phenotypes and Disease
Xla Wt + zbtb26 MO + NF39 (in situ hybridization) Fig. 2 D D'
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount pax2.L expression in thyroid primordium
Xla Wt + zbtb26 MO + NF45 (histology) Fig. 2. GHI
Anatomical Phenotype
abnormal thyroid
abnormal thyroid primordium morphology
decreased size of the thyroid

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