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FIGURE 1. Highly sulfated keratan sulfate (HSKS) is enriched in the notochord and otic vesicles of Xenopus embryos. (A) Molecular structure of HSKS and enzymes catalyzing its biosynthesis are schematically represented. Sulfation of D-GlcNAc is required for sulfation of D-Gal. (B–F) Immunostaining using 5D4 monoclonal antibody demonstrates that HSKS is specifically enriched in the notochord and otic vesicles in Xenopus tropicalis tadpoles. In late tadpole stage (F), notochord staining becomes weaker, possibly due to vacuole growth and cell death, which makes the extracellular space smaller. Tadpoles cleared in BB/BA solution (benzyl benzoate: benzyl alcohol = 2:1) are shown in lateral view. (C–E) A cross-section of a tadpole (st. 35/36) immunostained with 5D4 antibody revealed that HSKS is enriched inside otic vesicles and outside notochord, as designated by arrows in magnified images of an otic vesicle (D) and notochord (E). Br, brain; ov, otic vesicle; noto, notochord.

Image published in: Yasuoka Y (2023)

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