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Sci Rep 2023 Oct 04;131:16671. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-43662-1.
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Xenopus Ssbp2 is required for embryonic pronephros morphogenesis and terminal differentiation.

Cervino AS , Collodel MG , Lopez IA , Roa C , Hochbaum D , Hukriede NA , Cirio MC .

The nephron, functional unit of the vertebrate kidney, is specialized in metabolic wastes excretion and body fluids osmoregulation. Given the high evolutionary conservation of gene expression and segmentation patterning between mammalian and amphibian nephrons, the Xenopus laevis pronephric kidney offers a simplified model for studying nephrogenesis. The Lhx1 transcription factor plays several roles during embryogenesis, regulating target genes expression by forming multiprotein complexes with LIM binding protein 1 (Ldb1). However, few Lhx1-Ldb1 cofactors have been identified for kidney organogenesis. By tandem- affinity purification from kidney-induced Xenopus animal caps, we identified single-stranded DNA binding protein 2 (Ssbp2) interacts with the Ldb1-Lhx1 complex. Ssbp2 is expressed in the Xenopus pronephros, and knockdown prevents normal morphogenesis and differentiation of the glomus and the convoluted renal tubules. We demonstrate a role for a member of the Ssbp family in kidney organogenesis and provide evidence of a fundamental function for the Ldb1-Lhx1-Ssbp transcriptional complexes in embryonic development.

PubMed ID: 37794075
PMC ID: PMC10551014
Article link: Sci Rep
Grant support: [+]

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: atp1b1 clcnkb hoxb7 hspa1b hspd1 lhx1 nphs1 osr2 pax2 pax8 slc5a1 slc5a1.2 ssbp2 ssbp4 sst tbk1 wt1
GO keywords: kidney morphogenesis [+]
Antibodies: Kidney Ab1 Kidney Ab2 Somite Ab3
Morpholinos: ssbp2 MO1

Disease Ontology terms: prostate cancer [+]
Phenotypes: Xla WT + ssbp2 MO (Fig. 2b) [+]

Article Images: [+] show captions
External Resources: Proteomic dataset PXD041761 on PRIDE

References [+] :
Baine, Transcriptional profiling of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in pancreatic cancer patients identifies novel genes with potential diagnostic utility. 2011, Pubmed