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Nat Commun 2017 Jul 31;81:157. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00146-x.
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Sorting at embryonic boundaries requires high heterotypic interfacial tension.

Canty L , Zarour E , Kashkooli L , François P , Fagotto F .

The establishment of sharp boundaries is essential for segregation of embryonic tissues during development, but the underlying mechanism of cell sorting has remained unclear. Opposing hypotheses have been proposed, either based on global tissue adhesive or contractile properties or on local signalling through cell contact cues. Here we use ectoderm-mesoderm separation in Xenopus to directly evaluate the role of these various parameters. We find that ephrin-Eph-based repulsion is very effective at inducing and maintaining separation, whereas differences in adhesion or contractility have surprisingly little impact. Computer simulations support and generalise our experimental results, showing that a high heterotypic interfacial tension between tissues is key to their segregation. We propose a unifying model, in which conditions of sorting previously considered as driven by differential adhesion/tension should be viewed as suboptimal cases of heterotypic interfacial tension.The mechanisms that cause different cells to segregate into distinct tissues are unclear. Here the authors show in Xenopus that formation of a boundary between two tissues is driven by local tension along the interface rather than by global differences in adhesion or cortical contractility.

PubMed ID: 28761157
PMC ID: PMC5537356
Article link: Nat Commun

Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: bcr cdh3 cer1 chrd ctnnb1 efnb1 efnb2 efnb3 epha4 ephb4 grap2 gsc mhc2-dma odc1 pcyt1a pcyt1b rho rhoa sox17b.2 tbxt
Antibodies: Cdh3 Ab2 Cdh3 Ab4 Ctnnb1 Ab2 Gapdh Ab3
Morpholinos: cdh3 MO3 efnb1 MO1 efnb2 MO1 epha4 MO1 ephb4 MO1 myh4 MO1 myh9 MO2

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References [+] :
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