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Summary Attributions

Line Name: Xtr.NigerianBHHuarc

Line Images

Synonym: Golden, G strain, golden line, Xtr.GoldenNBRP, NBH, Xtr.Nigerian BHNBRP
Species: Xenopus tropicalis
Background Strain: Xtr.Outbred
Paternal Line:
Maternal Line:
Description: This strain was previously labelled as “Golden” and originally came from a stock maintained by Dr. E. Amaya at the Univeristy of California, Berkeley and subsequently maintained for a short period by Dr. T. Hyaes. The Golden strain was developed by artificial selection for fast growth and rapid sexual maturity in the Harland lab. Dr. M. Asashima (The University of Tokyo, Japan) obtained this strain from Dr. R. Harland in 2005 and provided to the Amphibian Research Center in 2009 and 2010. Reference:
Phenotype Description: Fast growth and rapid sexual maturity, golden coloration.
Color Morph: golden
Breeding Type: INBRED
Lab of Origin: Harland Lab, Amaya Lab, Huarc
Line Type: Wild Type
Mutated Gene(s):
MTA Required: Yes
Public: Yes
Catalogue Number: HUARC_1003

Stock Center RRID Generation Availability Mutant Details Information
EXRC (Europe)
NBRP (Japan) HUARC_1003 Adult Order
F2+ Order adult males and females avavilable from generation NBH-XII-3 and -4

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