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Summary Attributions Transgene

Line Name: Xla.Tg(actc1:Cre)Ryff

Synonym: CAR-Cre (A7)
Species: Xenopus laevis
Background Strain: Xla.Outbred
Paternal Line:
Maternal Line:
Description: CAR-Cre construct that encodes the Cre recombinase coding sequence under control of the cardiac actin (actca1) promoter (aka CAR, but more accurately referred to with gene symbol actc1).
Phenotype Description: The cardiac actin promoter drives expression in striated muscle, including the heart.
Color Morph:
Breeding Type: OUTBRED
Lab of Origin: Ryffel Lab
Line Type: Transgenic
Mutated Gene(s):
MTA Required: Yes
Public: Yes
Catalogue Number: Line #34, Addgene plasmid# 31309

Stock Center RRID Generation Availability Mutant Details Information
EXRC (Europe) EXRC_0034
NBRP (Japan)

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