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Summary Attributions Transgene

Line Name: Xla.Tg(hsp70:Cre;CMV:tdTomato)Ryff

Synonym: HSPCre13, HSPCre-CMV:tdTomato
Species: Xenopus laevis
Background Strain: Xla.Outbred
Paternal Line:
Maternal Line:
Description: Cre recombinase under the heat-shock promoter HSP70, contains a linked CMV driven gene encoding the red fluorescent protein tdTomato,
Phenotype Description: As this strain contains a linked CMV driven gene encoding the red fluorescent protein tdTomato, offspring with Cre recombinase can be easily identified. F1 animals of this strain, when crossed to the C5 reporter strain, reveal ubiquitous induction of the eYFP reporter upon heat-shock.
Color Morph:
Breeding Type: OUTBRED
Lab of Origin: Ryffel Lab
Line Type: Transgenic
Mutated Gene(s):
MTA Required: Yes
Public: Yes
Catalogue Number: EXRC line #36, Addgene plasmid# 30525

Stock Center RRID Generation Availability Mutant Details Information
EXRC (Europe) EXRC_0036
NBRP (Japan)

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