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Xine Volume 13 - Issue 9, November 2013

2014 Bioinformatics Workshop Announcement

Dear Xenopus Community
Building upon the success of the previous 2 Bioinformatics Workshops, we have decided to continue this yearly workshop and have our 3rd Bioinformatics Workshop here at the MBL. Please mark your calendars for May 11-18, 2014 as the dates for this workshop. In early 2014 I will follow up this announcement with more detail regarding registration and pricing. If you have any specific questions about the workshop do not hesitate to email and ask.

If you did not attend the Advanced Imaging Workshop that just finished last week then you missed out on an enjoyable week. We will be hosting that workshop again next year so keep that in your calendars as well; more details to follow.

Last, the NXR has other resources available, including training new animal care personnel on Xenopus husbandry as well as a Research Hotel Service where you can come here and do all the experiments your heart desires. Contact us for more details.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Marko and all of the NXR staff

Marko Horb, Ph.D.
Director, National Xenopus Resource (NXR)
Marine Biological Laboratory
7 MBL Street
Woods Hole, MA 02543

Email: xenopus at
Office: 508-289-7627
Lab: 508-289-7370
Cell: 508-564-3764