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Xine Volume 13 - Issue 1, January 2013

Bioinformatics Workshop

Dear Xenopus Community,
Registration for the 2013 Bioinformatics Workshop is now open. Space is limited to 25 people so register as soon as possible. The course will run from Sunday to Sunday May 12-19, with arrival and dinner on the 12th and departure after lunch on the 19th. Please go to the following web page and click on the REGISTER HERE text:

Please let me know if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you for this workshop.


Marko Horb

Marko Horb, Ph.D.
Director, National Xenopus Resource (NXR)
Marine Biological Laboratory
7 MBL Street
Woods Hole, MA 02543

Email: xenopus at
Office: 508-289-7627
Lab: 508-289-7370
Cell: 508-564-3764