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Xine Volume 12 - Issue 3, May 2012

** abstract deadline extended ** 14th International Xenopus Conference

Dear friends and colleagues,

The registrations for the 14th International Xenopus Conference are
opened. The meeting will be held on the French Riviera from September
9th 2012 to September 13th.

Please find all the relevant information on the conference website

Please be careful, deadlines are coming soon.

Deadlines for Abstracts is extended to June 1st.
Deadline for Registration is June 1st.

We hope to welcome you soon in southern France
The organisers

** abstract deadline extended ** 14th International Xenopus Conference

Looks like can take a little more time now...
(you should be able to update your submission)

At 19:23 15/05/2012, Nicolas Pollet wrote:
>Dear friends and colleagues,
>The registrations for the 14th International Xenopus Conference are
>opened. The meeting will be held on the French Riviera from
>September 9th 2012 to September 13th.
>Please find all the relevant information on the conference website
>Please be careful, deadlines are coming soon.
>Deadlines for Abstracts is extended to June 1st.
>Deadline for Registration is June 1st.
>We hope to welcome you soon in southern France
>The organisers
>Xenopus mailing list
>Xenopus at

Mike Gilchrist
MRC National Institute for Medical Research
The Ridgeway
Mill Hill
London NW7 1AA

Tel: 0208 816 2451
Fax: 0208 906 4477
m.gilchrist at

J line frogs

Hello Xenopus community,
This email is to alert you to the fact that we have successfully raised J line frogs to sexual maturity in the NXR and they are now available for sale. We have performed in vitro fertilizations with these frogs and find no difference between them and 'traditional' Xenopus laevis. For those interested, the J line frog is the inbred strain of Xenopus laevis whose genome is currently being sequenced.

This strain would make an excellent addition to your frog colony and might help alleviate some of the problems from morpholinos not working because of sequence variations in 'traditional' Xenopus laevis animals.

The cost is $50 each or if you purchase 20 or more then the cost is $40 each. Shipping and handling is a separate fee and will vary based on your location.

Should you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.


The NXR team

Marko Horb, Ph.D.
Director, National Xenopus Resource (NXR)
Marine Biological Laboratory
7 MBL Street
Woods Hole, MA 02543

Email: xenopus at
Office: 508-289-7627
Lab: 508-289-7370
Cell: 508-564-3764