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Navigating the simple search interface for Xenopus GEO datasets on Xenbase.
GEO Data Advanced Search
Mardi Nenni
Navigating the advanced search interface for Xenopus GEO datasets on Xenbase.
Navigating a GSE Page
Mardi Nenni
Navigating a GSE page for Xenopus GEO datasets on Xenbase.
Heat map visualizations using GEO data sets
Mardi Nenni
Generating heat map visualizations using GEO data sets on Xenbase. Examples include samples with one control,
samples with different controls, and visualizing a custom gene list.
2. JBrowse tutorials:
Introduction to JBrowse
Vaneet Lotay
Selecting/deselecting tracks and categories, switching species and genome versions, and searching for a particular gene in the genome.
JBrowse tutorial 1
Vaneet Lotay
Using the JBrowse FeatureSequence plugin to highlight, copy, or hide parts of a gene sequence according to their type
(UTR, intron, CDS), as well as view the upstream or downstream sequence for the gene.
JBrowse tutorial 2
Vaneet Lotay
Saving data from a track on JBrowse for a particular region of interest in the genome.
JBrowse tutorial 3
Vaneet Lotay
How to add a local/custom track from your PC to the JBrowse browser at Xenbase.
JBrowse tutorial 4
Vaneet Lotay
Exploring Xenbase GEO tracks with the faceted track selector in JBrowse.
FlyBase JBrowse tutorial
Introduction to JBrowse at FlyBase: selecting/deselecting tracks, gene search...etc.
3. Xenbase tutorials:
How to use Xenbase version 3.x
Kevin A. Burns
Introduction to features on Xenbase 3.x, how to search, and features you may be missing out on.