trpv2 has 6 expression phenotype(s)
Images Sources Experiment + Assay Phenotypes Human Diseases
No Image GSE130448

Haas M et al. (2019)
Xla Wt + tp63 MO + animal cap explant

animal cap NF10.5 (RNA-Seq (RNA))
Expression Phenotype
increased amount fbxo32.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount abcc5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount adap1l.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount agap2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ankrd65.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount aplnr.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount aplnr.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount bix1.3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount c3ar1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount c5.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount capn10l.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ccng1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ccng1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdkn1a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdkn2b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cetn4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cfb.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount col17a1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cpa6.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount crim1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cyp27c1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount dennd1c.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount diras3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount dscaml1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ebf2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount eda2r.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount efemp2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ell3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount enc1.2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fam83a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fkbp9.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gal3st4.1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount gjc2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gucy1a2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount h2ac7.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount kcnn1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount lancl3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount lgals4.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount lif.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount lonrf3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount lonrf3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount lpar3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount mafb.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount map1lc3a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount marchf8.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount mdm2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nif.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nppb.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount nt5c3a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount palm.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount parp3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pfn4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount plk2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pllp.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pnhd.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount prag1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ptgds.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rasgef1a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rasl12.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rbl2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount riok3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rnf24.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount s1pr5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sctr.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sesn1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc16a12.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc26a9.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc40a1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount socs4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sting1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount synj2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tbkbp1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tcn2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tnfrsf6b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tp73.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tp73.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tril.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ube2e2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ulk1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ulk1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount vegt.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount wipf1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5815362.S [provisional:cyp2j6] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5832479.S [provisional:cdc25c] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5848002.L [provisional] expression in the animal cap
increased amount ypel2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount zg16.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount atad3a.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount bix1.3.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount c8h6orf136.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount cetn4.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount elp1.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount fam83a.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount lgals4.2.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount mrpl22.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount mrps35.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount ptgs2.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount s1pr5.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount tex30.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount tril.S expression in the animal cap
No Image GSE132116

Robson A et al. (2019)
Xla Wt + rnf20 MO

WE NF11.5 (RNA-Seq (RNA))
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount pknox2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount acat2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount actn3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount aen.L expression in the embryo
increased amount agr3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount ak1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount aldh3b1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount angel1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount angpt2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount anxa6.L expression in the embryo
increased amount anxa6.S expression in the embryo
increased amount apoa1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount arg2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount arhgef4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount atp2b3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount bgn.L expression in the embryo
increased amount bhlha9.S expression in the embryo
increased amount birc5.L expression in the embryo
increased amount bloc1s5.L expression in the embryo
increased amount bmp7.2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount bmp7.2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount c3ar1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount caln1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount camk2b.L expression in the embryo
increased amount casp7.L expression in the embryo
increased amount casp7.S expression in the embryo
increased amount casq2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount cdca9.S expression in the embryo
increased amount cdh16.L expression in the embryo
increased amount cer1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount cfl2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount cfl2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ckm.L expression in the embryo
increased amount ckm.S expression in the embryo
increased amount col14a1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount coro6.S expression in the embryo
increased amount cpsf4l.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ctse.L expression in the embryo
increased amount cyp2a6.1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount dctd.L expression in the embryo
increased amount dhrs7c.L expression in the embryo
increased amount dppa2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount dtx3-like.L expression in the embryo
increased amount eln2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount eln2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount eomes.L expression in the embryo
increased amount eomes.S expression in the embryo
increased amount fabp3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount fabp7.L expression in the embryo
increased amount fetub.L expression in the embryo
increased amount fhl2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount frzb.L expression in the embryo
increased amount frzb.S expression in the embryo
increased amount gdf11.1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount gngt1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount gtsf2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount h1-8.L expression in the embryo
increased amount hacd1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount hba3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount hba4.S expression in the embryo
increased amount hspa12b.L expression in the embryo
increased amount idua.L expression in the embryo
increased amount kcnn1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ldb3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount lhx9.L expression in the embryo
increased amount lin7b.L expression in the embryo
increased amount lin7b.S expression in the embryo
increased amount mapkapk3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount mcoln2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount mgc147475.S expression in the embryo
increased amount mmp1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount mxra5.S expression in the embryo
increased amount mypn.S expression in the embryo
increased amount neurod1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount npw.L expression in the embryo
increased amount pah.L expression in the embryo
increased amount palmd.S expression in the embryo
increased amount pdx1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount pgam2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount pgam2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount pgk1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount phkg1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount plekhb2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount pnhd.L expression in the embryo
increased amount pnhd.S expression in the embryo
increased amount pou5f3.2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount pou5f3.2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount pou5f3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount prx.L expression in the embryo
increased amount rab30.S expression in the embryo
increased amount romo1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount sema3b.L expression in the embryo
increased amount sema3b.S expression in the embryo
increased amount sh3bgr.L expression in the embryo
increased amount slc18b1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount slc38a5.L expression in the embryo
increased amount sncb.L expression in the embryo
increased amount sncb.S expression in the embryo
increased amount stac3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount stra6.L expression in the embryo
increased amount strip2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount sult6b1.1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount sycp2l.L expression in the embryo
increased amount syp.S expression in the embryo
increased amount tgfbi.L expression in the embryo
increased amount tnnc1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount tnnc2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount tnnc2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount tnni2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount tnnt3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount tnnt3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount trex2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ucma.L expression in the embryo
increased amount vegt.L expression in the embryo
increased amount vegt.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ventx1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount wdr88l.L expression in the embryo
increased amount XB22062450.L expression in the embryo
increased amount XB5920187.S expression in the embryo
increased amount XB5962940.L expression in the embryo
increased amount zar1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount zng1a.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount abcc3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount abcc3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount abtb3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount actn3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount actn3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount adora2a.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount agr3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ak1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount alox5.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount alox5.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount alpk3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount alpk3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ampd2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount angpt2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ank1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ank1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ankk1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount anxa6.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount anxa6.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount apoa1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount arhgef37.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount arhgef37.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount arhgef4.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount arhgef4.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount arid1b.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount astl2e.2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount astl3b.1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount atat1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount atp2b3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount atp2c2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount baz2b.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount bbof1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount best3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount bgn.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount bhlha9.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount bhlha9.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount bmpr2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount brsk2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount brsk2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount c5h6orf118.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ca13.2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cabcoco1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cacna1s.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cacnb1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount calb2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount calb2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cald1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount camk2b.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount capn8.4.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount casq2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cat2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cat2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cavin1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cavin1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ccdc78.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount celf2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount celf2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cer1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cfap299.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cfap95.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cfap97d1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cfl2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cfl2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount chrnb1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cilp.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ckm.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount clgn.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cmss1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cmya5.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cobl.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount col14a1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount colec12.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount coro6.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cpz.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cracr2a.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ctso.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cybb.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cyp2a6.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cyp2a6.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount dbx1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount dcdc2b.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount dclk1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount dcx.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount dhrs7c.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount dlx4.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount dnaaf1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount dnah6.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount dnm1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount dok7.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ednra.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount egr2.L expression in embryo
decreased amount eln2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount eln2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount elovl4.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount eno4.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount eomes.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount erich3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount erich3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount fabp7.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount fam181a.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount fam81b.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount fetub.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount flacc1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount gas2l2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount gas2l2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount gdf11.1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount gdpd4.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount gmpr.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount gngt1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount gpr37l1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount grik5.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount grik5.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount grm3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount hacd1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount hba3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount hba4.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount heatr4.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount hhipl1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount hhipl1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount hnf4g.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount hnf4g.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount hoxc12.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount hspa12b.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount hspb8.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount hspb8.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount itga7.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount itga7.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount itln1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount jph2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount kcnn1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount kdsr.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ldb3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ldb3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount lhx9.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount lhx9.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount loxl2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount loxl2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount loxl3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount lrrc18.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount lrriq4.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount mapkapk3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount mapt.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount matn2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount matn4.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount matn4.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount mef2c.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount MGC147475.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount mical2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount mmp28.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount mtcl1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount mxra5.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount myf6.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount myom1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount myom1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount mypn.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ncan.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount nek11.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount neurl2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount neurod1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount neurod1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount nfatc2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount nhlrc2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount npr3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount nr2e1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount nr2f1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount nuak1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount nuak1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount nwd1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount optc.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount p2rx1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount p2rx5.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount pah.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pah.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount palmd.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount pcdh20.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pdgfd.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pdx1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pdx1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount pgam2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pgam2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount phkg1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount phyhipl.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pip5kl1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pip5kl1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount pkhd1l1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount plekha7.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount plekhb2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount plpp7.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount plpp7.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount pnhd.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pnhd.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount postn.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount postn.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount pou3f3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pou3f3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount pou5f3.1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pou5f3.1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ppp1r9b.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount prx.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ptges3l.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ptprn2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount rab30.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount rfx6.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount rhobtb2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount rhobtb2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount rpap3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount rtkn.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount sema3b.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount sema3b.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount sh3bgr.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc13a5.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc13a5.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc1a3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc1a3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc25a42.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc27a2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc38a5.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc5a1.2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount slco3a1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount smpx.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount sncb.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount sncb.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount sox1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount sp9.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount speg.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount spon2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount sst.1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount stac3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount sult6b1.1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount sult6b1.1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount sv2b.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount sv2b.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount synpo2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount synpo2l.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount syp.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount sypl2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount syt7.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tbata.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tbl1x.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tcf7l2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tgfbi.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tgfbi.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tlx3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tm4sf18.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmc4.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmc5.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmc5.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmem108.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmem38a.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tnfaip8l2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tnnc1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tnnc2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tnnc2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tnni2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tnnt3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tnnt3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tox2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tox2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tph1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tppp3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount trim54.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount trim54.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount trim55.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount trim55.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount trim63.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tspan12.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tubb3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ucma.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount vamp2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount vax1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount vax2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ventx1.1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ventx1.2.L expression in embryo
decreased amount vsx1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount vsx1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount wdr49.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount wnt11.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount wnt9a.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5844015.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5901009.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5932119.L [provisional] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5962940.L [provisional:ctdspl2] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5969698.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount xirp1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount xirp1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount xk.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount znf385a.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount znf385a.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount znf474.S expression in the embryo
No Image GSE132116

Robson A et al. (2019)
Xla Wt + rnf20 MO

WE NF13 (RNA-Seq (RNA))
Expression Phenotype
increased amount trpv2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount trpv2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ampd1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount bgn.L expression in the embryo
increased amount bgn.S expression in the embryo
increased amount bsk146.S expression in the embryo
increased amount c3ar1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount camk2b.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ccno.L expression in the embryo
increased amount ccno.S expression in the embryo
increased amount cdc20b.L expression in the embryo
increased amount chchd6.L expression in the embryo
increased amount col1a1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount col1a1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount col6a2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount col6a5.S expression in the embryo
increased amount cox6b1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount cpq.L expression in the embryo
increased amount crygdl.30.L expression in the embryo
increased amount dach1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount dct.L expression in the embryo
increased amount deup1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount eda2r.L expression in the embryo
increased amount fabp7.L expression in the embryo
increased amount frzb.L expression in the embryo
increased amount g6pc1.2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount g6pc1.3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount g6pc1.3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount hba4.S expression in the embryo
increased amount hesx1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount hhatl.L expression in the embryo
increased amount hsd3b1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount itga8.S expression in the embryo
increased amount jakmip1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount krt12.2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount krt18.3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount lcat.L expression in the embryo
increased amount lgi1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount lhx9.L expression in the embryo
increased amount lum.L expression in the embryo
increased amount lum.S expression in the embryo
increased amount mcidas.L expression in the embryo
increased amount mcidas.S expression in the embryo
increased amount mcm3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount mgc147475.L expression in the embryo
increased amount myl4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount myoz2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount nrn1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount ocm4.4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount ocm4.4.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ocm4.5.L expression in the embryo
increased amount ocm4.8.L expression in the embryo
increased amount pax9.L expression in the embryo
increased amount pdk4.S expression in the embryo
increased amount pou5f3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount pygb.S expression in the embryo
increased amount rergl.S expression in the embryo
increased amount slc38a5.L expression in the embryo
increased amount sncg.S expression in the embryo
increased amount srp14.L expression in the embryo
increased amount syp.L expression in the embryo
increased amount tm6sf1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount ugt3a2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount wdr86.L expression in the embryo
increased amount XB5852426.L expression in the embryo
increased amount XB5920187.S expression in the embryo
increased amount xmc.L expression in the embryo
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decreased amount ampd1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ampd1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ankrd13b.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount bgn.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount bgn.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount bsk146.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount c7h10orf105.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cacna1h.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount camk2b.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount camk4.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cdc20b.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cdc42se1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cfap299.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cobl.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount col1a1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount col1a1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount col6a2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount col6a3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount col6a3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount col6a5.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount coro6.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cpq.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount crygdl.30.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cyp27a1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cyp8b1.1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount dach1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount deup1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount elavl4.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount elavl4.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount fabp7.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount g6pc1.2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount g6pc1.3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount g6pc1.3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount gpr37l1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount gpx7.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount gpx7.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount grik2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount grm3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount hba4.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount hhatl.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount hnf4g.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount iqsec3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount itga8.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount jakmip1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount kdsr.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount klhl25.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount krt12.2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount lcat.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount lgals4.2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount lgi1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount lhx9.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount lhx9.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount lum.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount lum.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount mcidas.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount MGC147475.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount myl4.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount myoc.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount myoz2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount naaladl2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount nek11.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount nfatc2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount nrn1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ocm4.4.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ocm4.4.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ocm4.5.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ocm4.8.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pax9.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pde2a.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount pln.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pou5f3.1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount pygb.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount rergl.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount rpap3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc17a7.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc17a7.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc1a2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc38a4.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc38a5.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc5a1.2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc5a1.2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount snap25.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount stac3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount sult2a1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount svep1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount syp.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tm6sf1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount trpv2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount vipr1.L expression in the embryo
No Image GSE117754

Kim Y et al. (2018)
Xla Wt + kdm3a MO

WE NF32 (RNA-Seq (polyA mRNA))
Expression Phenotype
increased amount trpv2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount aacs.S expression in the embryo
increased amount aadac.S expression in the embryo
increased amount abat.L expression in the embryo
increased amount abat.S expression in the embryo
increased amount abca1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount abca2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount abca5.L expression in the embryo
increased amount abcc5.L expression in the embryo
increased amount abcc9.L expression in the embryo
increased amount abhd1 expression in the embryo
increased amount abhd14b.L expression in the embryo
increased amount abhd2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount abhd3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount abhd8.L expression in the embryo
increased amount abhd8.S expression in the embryo
increased amount abi3bp.L expression in the embryo
increased amount abi3bp.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ablim3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount acads.L expression in the embryo
increased amount acat1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount acat1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount acer1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount ache.L expression in the embryo
increased amount ackr3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount aco1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount aco2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount aco2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount acod1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount acod1lb.L expression in the embryo
increased amount acot12.L expression in the embryo
increased amount acot8.S expression in the embryo
increased amount acox1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount acox1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount acox2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount acp5.L expression in the embryo
increased amount acsl5.L expression in the embryo
increased amount acsl6.L expression in the embryo
increased amount acta4.S expression in the embryo
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increased amount actn3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount acy1.1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ada.S expression in the embryo
increased amount adamts1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount adamts2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount adamts4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount adamtsl5.L expression in the embryo
increased amount adcy3.L expression in the embryo
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increased amount adcy4.S expression in the embryo
increased amount adcyap1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount adcyap1r1.S expression in the embryo
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increased amount adgra2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount adgrb1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount adgrb2.L expression in the embryo
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increased amount adgrg2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount adh1b.L expression in the embryo
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increased amount adipoq.L expression in the embryo
increased amount adipoq.S expression in the embryo
increased amount adm.L expression in the embryo
increased amount adm.S expression in the embryo
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increased amount adss1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount adss1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount aebp1.L expression in the embryo
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increased amount aff1.L expression in the embryo
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increased amount agl.S expression in the embryo
increased amount agmo.L expression in the embryo
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increased amount agxt.L expression in the embryo
increased amount agxt2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount ahcyl1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount aimp1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount aimp1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ak1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount ak1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount akr1a1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount akr1a1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount akr1c2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount akr1d1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount aldh1a1.L expression in the embryo
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increased amount aldh1l2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount aldh1l2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount aldh2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount aldh6a1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount aldh7a1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount aldh8a1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount aldoa.L expression in the embryo
increased amount aldoa.S expression in the embryo
increased amount aldob.L expression in the embryo
increased amount aldob.S expression in the embryo
increased amount aldoc.L expression in the embryo
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increased amount amfr.L expression in the embryo
increased amount amigo1.S expression in the embryo
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increased amount apoe.L expression in the embryo
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increased amount apoh.L expression in the embryo
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increased amount apoo.L expression in the embryo
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increased amount aqp9.L expression in the embryo
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increased amount XB5870894.L [provisional] expression in the embryo
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increased amount XB5899881.L [provisional] expression in the embryo
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decreased amount tbxt.L expression in embryo
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decreased amount tgm5.L expression in the embryo
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decreased amount tll1.L expression in the embryo
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decreased amount tmcc3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmem107.L expression in the embryo
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decreased amount tmem150b.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmem158.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmem213.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmem213.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmem35a.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmem37.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmem45a.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmem54.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmem72.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmem80.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmprss2.13.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmtc2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmtops.L expression in the embryo
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decreased amount tra2b.L expression in the embryo
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decreased amount trappc5.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount trappc6b.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tril.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tril.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount trim67.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount trpm6.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tsga10.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tspan33.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tspan8.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tspear.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tspyl2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ttc32.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ttyh2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tuba1cl.1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tuba1cl.2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tuba1cl.2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tuba1cl.3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tubal3.1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tubal3.1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tubal3.2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tulp3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount uap1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ube2v2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount uchl1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount uck2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ucp2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ugdh.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ugt1a1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount uhrf1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount upk1b.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount upk2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount usp45.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount val.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount vax2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount vegfb.L expression in the embryo
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decreased amount ventx1.2.L expression in embryo
decreased amount ventx1.2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ventx2.1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ventx3.2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ventx3.2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount vepp1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount vgll1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount vgll3.L expression in embryo
decreased amount vipr1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount vipr1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount vkorc1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount vsx1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount vsx1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount wdhd1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount wdr82.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount wnt5b.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount wnt5b.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount wnt8a.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount wnt8a.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB22041731.S [provisional] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB22041735.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB22041735.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB22062450.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB22062458.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB22063241.L [provisional:ly6a2] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5726464.S [provisional:zfp36l1] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5727280.L [provisional] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5731801.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5733004.L [provisional] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5832479.L [provisional:cdc25c] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5867546.L [provisional] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5872372.L [provisional] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5872372.S [provisional] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5873314.L [provisional:rab32] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5899881.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5932119.L [provisional] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5947741.L [provisional] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5949052.L [provisional] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5957062.L [provisional:plekha3] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5961731.L [provisional:ins] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5962940.L [provisional:ctdspl2] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5964940.L [provisional] expression in the embryo
decreased amount xdh.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount xenf.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount xepsin.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount xetrov90011961m.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount xk.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount xmc.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount xylt1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount yap1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount zc2hc1c.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount zc3h12c.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount zc3h12c.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount zcchc7.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount zic3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount znf248.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount znf268.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount znf710.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount znf782.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount zp2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount fos.L expression in embryo
increased amount junb.L expression in embryo
increased amount socs3.L expression in embryo
increased amount zfp36.L expression in embryo
No Image GSE117754

Kim Y et al. (2018)
Xla Wt + kdm5c MO

WE NF32 (RNA-Seq (polyA mRNA))
Expression Phenotype
increased amount trpv2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount 42sp50.L expression in the embryo
increased amount abat.L expression in the embryo
increased amount abat.S expression in the embryo
increased amount abcc9.L expression in the embryo
increased amount abhd1 expression in the embryo
increased amount abhd1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount abhd14b.L expression in the embryo
increased amount abhd3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount abhd8.S expression in the embryo
increased amount abi3bp.S expression in the embryo
increased amount acaa2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount acad9.S expression in the embryo
increased amount acads.L expression in the embryo
increased amount acat1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount acat1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount acat2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount acer1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount aco1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount aco2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount aco2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount acod1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount acot13.S expression in the embryo
increased amount acot8.S expression in the embryo
increased amount acot9.S expression in the embryo
increased amount acox1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount acox2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount acp5.L expression in the embryo
increased amount acsl5.L expression in the embryo
increased amount acsl6.L expression in the embryo
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increased amount acta4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount acta4.S expression in the embryo
increased amount acy1.1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ada.S expression in the embryo
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increased amount adamts17.L expression in the embryo
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increased amount adh1b.S expression in the embryo
increased amount adipoq.L expression in the embryo
increased amount adipoq.S expression in the embryo
increased amount adm.L expression in the embryo
increased amount adm.S expression in the embryo
increased amount adprhl1.L expression in the embryo
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increased amount adss1.L expression in the embryo
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increased amount agl.S expression in the embryo
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increased amount ak1.L expression in the embryo
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increased amount anxa5.S expression in the embryo
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increased amount anxa6.S expression in the embryo
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increased amount apoh.L expression in the embryo
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increased amount apool.L expression in the embryo
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increased amount asph.L expression in the embryo
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increased amount krt62.S expression in the embryo
increased amount krt80.L expression in the embryo
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increased amount myoz3.S expression in the embryo
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decreased amount gcnt2.2.S expression in the embryo
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decreased amount greb1l.L expression in the embryo
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decreased amount hgf.S expression in the embryo
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decreased amount hnf1b.S expression in the embryo
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decreased amount hoxb1.L expression in embryo
decreased amount hoxb1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount hoxd1.S expression in the embryo
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decreased amount iqgap2.S expression in the embryo
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decreased amount nradd.S expression in the embryo
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decreased amount nxpe3l.6.L expression in the embryo
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decreased amount pax8.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount pcdh8.2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pcdh8.2.S expression in the embryo
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decreased amount pcdh8l.S expression in the embryo
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decreased amount pdlim3.S expression in the embryo
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decreased amount pfkfb3.S expression in the embryo
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decreased amount pou5f3.1.S expression in the embryo
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decreased amount ripply2.2.S expression in the embryo
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decreased amount shisa1.1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount sidt1.S expression in the embryo
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decreased amount slc10a1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc13a5.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc16a9.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc16a9.S expression in the embryo
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decreased amount slc22a4.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc22a4.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc23a2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc28a3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc2a12.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc2a2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc2a2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc2a7.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc30a8.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc35e4.S expression in the embryo
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decreased amount slc45a3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc45a3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc4a7.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc5a8.1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc6a3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc7a11.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc9a3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slco3a1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount slfn13.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount smtnl2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount snx31.S expression in the embryo
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decreased amount sox17a.L expression in embryo
decreased amount sox17b.1.L expression in the embryo
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decreased amount sox8.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount sp1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount sp5l.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount sp5l.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount sp7.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount sp7.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount spry4.L expression in the embryo
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decreased amount stard10.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount stard10.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount stard13.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount stox1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount sufu.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount szl.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tac1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tacr1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tbcel.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tbx20.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tbxt.S expression in embryo
decreased amount tcf15.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tcp11l2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tgm7.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount thop1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tll1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tll1.S expression in the embryo
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decreased amount tmcc3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmem150b.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmem255b.S expression in the embryo
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decreased amount tmem67.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmem72.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmem79.L expression in the embryo
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decreased amount tnfaip8l3.S expression in the embryo
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decreased amount trim36.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount trim36.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount trim71.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount trpm6.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tsga10.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tspan33.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tspear.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tspear.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ttc9.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tuba1cl.3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tubal3.1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tubal3.1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount twsg1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount uggt1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ugt8.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount unc5b.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount upk3b.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount val.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount vegfb.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ventx1.2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ventx2.1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ventx2.2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ventx3.2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount vgll3.L expression in embryo
decreased amount vhl.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount vipr1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount vipr1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount vsig8.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount vsir.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount wasf3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount wnt5b.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount wnt5b.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount wnt8a.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB22041731.S [provisional] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB22062446.L [provisional] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB22062458.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB22164556.L [provisional] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5726464.S [provisional:zfp36l1] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5761350.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5832479.L [provisional:cdc25c] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5949052.L [provisional] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5961731.L [provisional:ins] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5964940.L [provisional] expression in the embryo
decreased amount xk.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount xmc.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount yap1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount zdhhc17.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount zfyve16.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount zfyve27.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount zfyve28b.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount zic3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount zic5.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount zic5.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount znf238.2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount znf238.2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount znf534.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount znf710.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount zp2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount zpy1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount socs3.L expression in embryo
No Image GSE92366

Hörmanseder E et al. (2017)
WT + SCNT endoderm cell + Mmu.kdm5bH499A_del

ectoderm NF11 (RNA-Seq) grp5
Expression Phenotype
increased amount trpv2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount 1a11.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount a2ml1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount abcc5.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount abhd13.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount actc1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount actc1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount adamts1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount adamts1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount adamtsl5.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount agrp.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ammecr1l.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ankrd65.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ap4e1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount aplnr.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount aplnr.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount arfgef3.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount arhgap30.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount arid5b.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount asap3.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount asgr2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount atoh1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount b3galt1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount b3gnt5.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount bcl11a.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount bmf.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount bmp7.1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount bpnt1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount btg2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount btg3.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount c5.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount c9.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cacna1g.S expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount capn10l.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount capn13.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount casq1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cat.2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cavin4.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ccdc102a.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ccdc88a.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ccna1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ccndx.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cdc42ep3.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cdh18.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cdk5r2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cdkn1a.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cdkn1a.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ceacam8l.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cep104.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount chn2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount chn2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount chrd.1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount chrng.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount chst2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ckap2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount clcn2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cntrl.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount col13a1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount col1a2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cop1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cpa6.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cpeb1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cpeb1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount crabp2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cracr2b.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount crim1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount crim1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cyp11a1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cyp27c1.S expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount desi1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount diras3.L expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount dock9.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount dpysl5.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount dsel.L expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount eda2r.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount eef1a2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ell3.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount emilin2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount eomes.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount eomes.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ephb1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ephb2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ern2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount esco2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount eya2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount f13a1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount f3.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fam120c.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fam131a.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fam43a.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fam83a.S expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount fbxo32.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fbxo34.S expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount fermt1.S expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount fgf8.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fgf8.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fhdc1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount firrm.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fkbp9.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount flrt3.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fosl2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount foxa2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount foxi2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount foxi2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount foxj1.2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount foxj1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount foxo3.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount foxo3.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount foxr1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount frem2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount galnt5.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount gckr.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount gcnt2.2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount gdf1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount gdf15.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount gipr.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount gja7.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount gjc2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount glis2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount gpc1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount gpr45.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount gpx8.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount grm3.S expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount gucy1a2.L expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount hexim1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount hip1.L expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount il1rap.S expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount itpkc.L expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount jund.L expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount klhl18.L expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount ldb3.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ldb3.S expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount lim2.L expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount lpin1.S expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount mafb.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount map4.L expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount mid1ip1.L expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount mmp28.L expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount mylip.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount mylip.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount mylk.S expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount p2ry1.L expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount plekhg1.S expression in the ectoderm
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