tbcd has 4 expression phenotype(s)
Images Sources Experiment + Assay Phenotypes Human Diseases
No Image GSE113186

Gentsch GE et al. (2019)
WT + vegt MO

Expression Phenotype
decreased amount tbcd expression in the embryo
increased amount acod1la expression in the embryo
increased amount surf1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ap5s1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount cer1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount fgf16 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101731527 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101734249 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC105945950 expression in the embryo
decreased amount mfsd12 expression in the embryo
decreased amount mmp1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount opn7a expression in the embryo
decreased amount osr2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ptf1a expression in the embryo
decreased amount ptgr1.3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc31a1 expression in the embryo
No Image GSE113186

Gentsch GE et al. (2019)
WT + vegt MO

NF9 (RNA-Seq)
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount tbcd expression in the embryo
increased amount nodal6 expression in the embryo
increased amount surf1 expression in the embryo
increased amount vepp1 expression in the embryo
increased amount XB990428 [provisional:ifitm3] expression in the embryo
decreased amount ap5s1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount cer1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ctsl expression in the embryo
decreased amount frzb2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount gpr82 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101734157 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC105945165 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC108645379 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC116406538 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC116406541 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC116406972 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC116408394 expression in the embryo
decreased amount mfsd12 expression in the embryo
decreased amount mmp1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount msgn1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount nodal6 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ptf1a expression in the embryo
decreased amount ptgr1.3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount rspo3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount sia3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc31a1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount twist1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount uncx expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB22061507 expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB22068599 [provisional] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB990428 [provisional:ifitm3] expression in the embryo
No Image GSE118024

Paraiso KD et al. (2019)
Xtr Wt + vegt MO + otx1 MO + vegetal yolk mass explant

vegetal yolk mass NF10.5 - RNA-Seq (polyA mRNA)
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount tbcd expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount ccng1 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount cpa6 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount dlx6 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount grhl3 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount hoxb1 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC100485343 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC100485356 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC100487973 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC101732036 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC101733468 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC101734515 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC105948244 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC116407558 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC116408386 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC116409449 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC116409814 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC116409848 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC116411013 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC116411520 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount mespa expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount or10bn1 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount p2ry2 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount pm20d1 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount slc25a37 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount zfp36 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount anks6 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount ap5s1 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount apln expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount aqp9 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount arhgef38 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount bhmt expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount c5h1orf198 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount cbr1.3 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount cdx1 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount ceacam19lx expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount cops6 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount cpe expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount dap3 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount deptorl expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount eps8l1 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount fancg expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount gnl3l expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount gpr82 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount hes5.4 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount iapp expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount KIAA1549l expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount klhdc3 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount LOC100490929 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount LOC101732328 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount LOC101733005 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount LOC108644783 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount LOC116406960 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount LOC116408575 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount LOC116410918 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount marveld1 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount mgst3 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount nthl1 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount pik3c2g expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount rho expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount ripply2.1 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount rps6ka1 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount rspo3 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount sfrp2 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount slc25a11 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount slc7a8 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount tns4 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount trpm4 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount ugt3a2 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount ugt8 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount upp1 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount ventx3.2 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount vepp1 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount wrap53 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount XB22062450 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount XB5872372 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount zar1 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
No Image GSE118024

Paraiso KD et al. (2019)
Xtr Wt + vegt MO + vegetal yolk mass explant

vegetal yolk mass NF10.5 - RNA-Seq (polyA mRNA)
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount tbcd expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount angpt4 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount angpt4.2 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount apela expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount atp12al expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount cdc25b expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount cfp expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount cnfn.1 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount crybb3 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount elavl3 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount elovl3 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount fam181b expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount foxd4l1.2 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount fth1.1 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount fzd10 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount gnb3 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount gpx2 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount grhl3 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount hes3 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount hoxd1 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount kctd15 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount krt70 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount lhx5 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC100485343 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC100487973 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC100488209 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC100495222 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC100497952 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC100498439 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC101730723 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC101733468 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC101734515 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC116406628 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC116407559 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount LOC116408386 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount mespb expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount mmp14 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount myt1 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount nova2 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount p2ry2 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount pm20d1 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount rab34 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount s1pr5 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount sema3f expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount serpinh1 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount sh2d3c expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount slc2a11.3 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount sox2 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount upk3b expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount wnt5b expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount XB990428 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount yrdcl expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount zeb2 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount zfp36 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount zic4 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
increased amount znf219 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount anks6 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount ap5s1 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount aqp9 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount bhmt expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount ceacam19lx expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount hes5.4 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount igf2 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount LOC100486870 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount LOC100490929 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount LOC100491345 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount LOC101731123 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount LOC101734103 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount LOC116408575 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount LOC116412412 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount marveld1 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount mfsd12 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount nfkbiz expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount nodal6 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount prdm12 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount ptgr1.3 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount rho expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount rps6ka1 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount slc25a11 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount ugt8 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount XB5872372 expression in the vegetal yolk mass
decreased amount zar1 expression in the vegetal yolk mass