decreased size of the eye has 2 anatomical phenotype(s)
Images Sources Experiment + Assay Phenotypes Human Diseases

Hanel ML and Hensey C (2006)
Xla Wt + gdf6

NF41 (whole-mount microscopy)
Anatomical Phenotype
decreased size of the eye

Hanel ML and Hensey C (2006)
Xla Wt + gdf6 MO

NF41 (immunohistochemistry)
Anatomical Phenotype
abnormal eye morphology
abnormal retinal layer
absent amacrine cell
absent retinal ganglion cell
decreased cell population proliferation in eye
decreased size of the eye
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount hspa5.L expression in photoreceptor layer
decreased amount ncam1.L expression in cytoplasm