fgf8 has 1 expression phenotype(s)
Images Sources Experiment + Assay Phenotypes Human Diseases
No Image GSE106320

Ding Y et al. (2018)
Xla Wt + fgf8 + animal cap explant

animal cap NF12 (RNA-Seq (RNA))
Expression Phenotype
increased amount 1a11.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount abcc4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount admp.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount akap12.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount akap12.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount alpl.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount areg.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount arhgef3.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount arhgef37.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount axin2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdx1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdx2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdx2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdx4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdx4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount chrd.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cyp26c1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount dleu7.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount dusp1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount dusp6.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount eomes.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount eomes.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount esr-5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount evx1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fgf16.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fhdc1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount flrt3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxa4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxa4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxb1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxb1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxd3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxd3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxd4l1.1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxd4l1.1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxd4l1.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fzd10.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gbx2.1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gbx2.1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount has2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes7.1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes7.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes7.2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxa1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxa1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxd1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxd1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount il17rd.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount inka1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount itih3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount kremen2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount lrat.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount mespa.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount msx2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount neurog1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount neurog2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nipal2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nox1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nradd.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pfkfb3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pnhd.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pnhd.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pnp.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rab34.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ror2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ror2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sh3pxd2a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount snai1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sox2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sox3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sp5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sp5l.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sp5l.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount spry1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount spry1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount spry2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount spry2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount spry4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount st3gal5.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tbxt.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tet2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tox2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tpbg.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount vegt.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount vgll3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount wnt5b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount wnt5b.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount wnt8a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount wnt8a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB22041735.L [provisional:rnf220] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB22041735.S [provisional:rnf220] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB22061511.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount xdh.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount xmc.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount zeb2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount zeb2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount zic3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount zic3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount znf703.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount znf703.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount 1a11.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount flrt3.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gbx2.1.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount hes2.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount hmx3.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount pnhd.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount slc35d3.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount snai1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fgf8.L expression in animal cap
increased amount tbxt.L expression in animal cap
increased amount zic2.L expression in animal cap