abnormal superficial layer of neurectoderm has 2 anatomical phenotype(s)
Images Sources Experiment + Assay Phenotypes Human Diseases
Fig. 2 A r1c4, B r1c4, C

Szabó A et al. (2016)
Xla Wt + c3 MO

NF8-11 (immunohistochemistry)
Anatomical Phenotype
abnormal superficial layer of neurectoderm
abnormally increased number of cell
fig. 2 A r1c3, B r1c3 C

Szabó A et al. (2016)
Xla Wt + C3a Antibody

NF8-11 (immunohistochemistry)
Anatomical Phenotype
abnormal superficial layer of neurectoderm
abnormally increased number of cell