c1h22orf15 has 2 expression phenotype(s)
Images Sources Experiment + Assay Phenotypes Human Diseases
No Image GSE145619

Bright AR et al. (2021)
Xtr Wt + irx3 + otx2 + animal cap explant

animal cap NF10.5 (RNA-Seq (RNA))
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount c22orf15 expression in the animal cap
increased amount abca1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount adamtsl4 expression in the animal cap
increased amount admp expression in the animal cap
increased amount adora2a expression in the animal cap
increased amount adrb2 expression in the animal cap
increased amount akip1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount alkal1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount amer2 expression in the animal cap
increased amount apoc1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount areg expression in the animal cap
increased amount arhgef9 expression in the animal cap
increased amount astl2d.4 expression in the animal cap
increased amount barhl1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount barhl2 expression in the animal cap
increased amount bhlhe22 expression in the animal cap
increased amount c4orf54 expression in the animal cap
increased amount c5 expression in the animal cap
increased amount cat.3 expression in the animal cap
increased amount ccn1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount cebpb expression in the animal cap
increased amount cfap95 expression in the animal cap
increased amount chrd.1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount cilp2 expression in the animal cap
increased amount cnga2 expression in the animal cap
increased amount crisp1.6 expression in the animal cap
increased amount cxcl8a.2 expression in the animal cap
increased amount cyp26c1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount dapp1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount dmbx1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount egflam expression in the animal cap
increased amount elf5 expression in the animal cap
increased amount emx2 expression in the animal cap
increased amount en1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount en2 expression in the animal cap
increased amount etv3l expression in the animal cap
increased amount faxc expression in the animal cap
increased amount fezf2 expression in the animal cap
increased amount fgfbp2 expression in the animal cap
increased amount fhl5 expression in the animal cap
increased amount fli1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount flrt3 expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxa1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxa2 expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxa4 expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxd4l1.1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxd4l1.2 expression in the animal cap
increased amount frem1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount fst expression in the animal cap
increased amount g0s2 expression in the animal cap
increased amount gad1.1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount gnat1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount grk7 expression in the animal cap
increased amount gsc expression in the animal cap
increased amount gsc2 expression in the animal cap
increased amount gsg1l expression in the animal cap
increased amount gsx1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount habp4 expression in the animal cap
increased amount hand2 expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes7.1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount homeobox100496651-provisional expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxb5 expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxb6 expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxb7 expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxb8 expression in the animal cap
increased amount hs3st6 expression in the animal cap
increased amount ina expression in the animal cap
increased amount irx3 expression in the animal cap
increased amount lhx1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount lhx2 expression in the animal cap
increased amount lhx9 expression in the animal cap
increased amount lmo2 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC100485637 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC100489175 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC100490322 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC100490646 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC100491214 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC100491339 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC100492641 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC100496871 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC100497714 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC100498032 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC100498474 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC100498550 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC101730562 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC101732176 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC101732541 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC101733326 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC101733330 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC101733623 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC101734910 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC105946024 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC105947813 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC105948180 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC108647331 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC108648928 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC116406476 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC116407762 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC116408232 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC116409794 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC116410241 expression in the animal cap
increased amount LOC116410477 expression in the animal cap
increased amount lrfn1.2 expression in the animal cap
increased amount lrit1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount lrrc4 expression in the animal cap
increased amount maf expression in the animal cap
increased amount map3k12 expression in the animal cap
increased amount map3k13 expression in the animal cap
increased amount masp1 expression in the animal cap
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increased amount menf.1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount menf.2 expression in the animal cap
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increased amount mrap expression in the animal cap
increased amount mtcl1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount mtus2 expression in the animal cap
increased amount myh6 expression in the animal cap
increased amount myh7 expression in the animal cap
increased amount neto1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount nfib expression in the animal cap
increased amount nfkbia expression in the animal cap
increased amount nkx2-3 expression in the animal cap
increased amount nkx6-2 expression in the animal cap
increased amount nog expression in the animal cap
increased amount nova1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount nrp1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount olig3 expression in the animal cap
increased amount or52al1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount osr1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount otp expression in the animal cap
increased amount otx2 expression in the animal cap
increased amount pax2 expression in the animal cap
increased amount pcdh10 expression in the animal cap
increased amount pcdh8 expression in the animal cap
increased amount pcdhga11 expression in the animal cap
increased amount pde6a expression in the animal cap
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increased amount pnhd expression in the animal cap
increased amount prdm13 expression in the animal cap
increased amount prdm16 expression in the animal cap
increased amount prf1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount prkg1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount prom1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount prtg expression in the animal cap
increased amount rarres1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount rasgef1a expression in the animal cap
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increased amount rnf152 expression in the animal cap
increased amount rspo3 expression in the animal cap
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increased amount sh3kbp1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount sim1 expression in the animal cap
increased amount sirt3.2 expression in the animal cap
increased amount six3 expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc6a8 expression in the animal cap
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increased amount wnt2b expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5848002 [provisional] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5882685 [provisional:cdca7] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5993457 [provisional:aqp4] expression in the animal cap
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increased amount znf367 expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount bmp7.1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount bmper expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount capn8.3 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount cat1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount cdh26 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount cdx1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount cdx2 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount cdx4 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount cfap161 expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount cspg5 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount daw1 expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount dlc expression in the animal cap
decreased amount dlx3 expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount efna1 expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount elapor2 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount elf1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount elovl3 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount evx1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount fa2h expression in the animal cap
decreased amount faah.2 expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount fign expression in the animal cap
decreased amount foxf1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount foxi1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount foxi4.2 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount foxj1 expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount foxn4 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount fth1.1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount g2e3 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gadd45a expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gadd45b expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gadd45g expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gata2 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gata3 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gatm expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gcnt4 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gdf2 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gfod1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gfpt1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gmnc expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gng2 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gs17 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount hba-l3 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount hbz expression in the animal cap
decreased amount hes5.3 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount hes5.4 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount hoxa1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount hoxd1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount id2 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount itpr3 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount kcne5 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount kctd15 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount klf17 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount klf2 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount klf5 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount krt7 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount lgalsl expression in the animal cap
decreased amount lhx3 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC100485259 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC100487636 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC100488176 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC100490508 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC100490678 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC100490855 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC100493464 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC100493770 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC100494613 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC100495124 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC100495391 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC100495980 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC100496027 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC100496394 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC100497157 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC100497175 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC100497319 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC101730864 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC101732160 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC101732476 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC101732699 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC101733183 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC101733888 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC101734097 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC101734349 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC105945990 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC105947220 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC108645367 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC108645395 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC116406519 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC116406707 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC116406886 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC116407737 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC116407772 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC116408818 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC116410538 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC116410544 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC116410876 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC116411650 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount LOC595077 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount lpin2 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount mcidas expression in the animal cap
decreased amount mfsd2a expression in the animal cap
decreased amount mgc75872 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount mid1ip1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount mmp11 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount mmp25 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount msx1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount msx2 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount muc4 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount myb expression in the animal cap
decreased amount nek2 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount nkx1-2 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount odad2 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount odf3 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount pim1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount pla2g7 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount plxna2 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount pm20d1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount post6 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount ptger4 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount pycard expression in the animal cap
decreased amount pydc1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount rab3d expression in the animal cap
decreased amount rara expression in the animal cap
decreased amount rbm47 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount rtbdn expression in the animal cap
decreased amount s100a10 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount sema3f expression in the animal cap
decreased amount skil expression in the animal cap
decreased amount slc13a4l expression in the animal cap
decreased amount slc17a9 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount slc27a2 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount slc2a2 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount slc7a8 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount slc8a3 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount slco2b1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount smad9 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount socs3l expression in the animal cap
decreased amount spata4 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount sptlc3 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount st6galnac2 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount stard10 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount stard13 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount stmnd1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount syn2 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount szl expression in the animal cap
decreased amount tbx3 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount tead4 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount trex2 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount tsc22d3 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount tspo expression in the animal cap
decreased amount tuba1cl.1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount tuba1cl.2 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount tuba1cl.3 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount ubp1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount ugdhl expression in the animal cap
decreased amount ugt3a2 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount upk2 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount ventx1.1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount ventx1.2 expression in animal cap
decreased amount ventx2.1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount vgll1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount vill expression in the animal cap
decreased amount vtcn1 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount XB22041731 [provisional] expression in the animal cap
decreased amount XB5717875 [provisional:plac8] expression in the animal cap
decreased amount XB5730291 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount XB5767169 [provisional] expression in the animal cap
decreased amount XB5814120 [provisional] expression in the animal cap
decreased amount XB5856846 [provisional] expression in the animal cap
decreased amount XB5872372 [provisional] expression in the animal cap
decreased amount XB5894678 [provisional:btnl10] expression in the animal cap
decreased amount XB5922676 [provisional:cav3] expression in the animal cap
decreased amount XB5947713 [provisional] expression in the animal cap
decreased amount XB5967085 [provisional] expression in the animal cap
decreased amount XB5993457 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount znf484 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount znf534 expression in the animal cap
decreased amount znf703 expression in the animal cap
No Image GSE143795

Ossipova O et al. (2020)
Xla Wt + pnhd MO + marginal zone explant

marginal zone NF10.5 (RNA-Seq (RNA))
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount c22orf15.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount 1a11.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount abo.4.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount acp4.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount adamts12.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount adgb.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount adgrf3.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount admp.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount agap2.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount aicda.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount ajap1.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount akr1d1.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount aldh1l2.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount alg11.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount alpk3.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount amh.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount angel2.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount ank1.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount ano9.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount anpep.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount aplnr.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount aplnr.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount aplp1.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount arhgap23.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount arhgap25.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount arsd.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount asf1b.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount atp4a.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount bcas3.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount bend7.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount bhlhe22.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount bix1.1.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount bix1.1.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount bix1.2.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount bix1.2.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount bix1.3.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount bix1.3.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount blvra.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount bmpr1b.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount bola1.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount brs3.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount c11orf65.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount c3ar1.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount c3orf70.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount c5.2.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount c7h10orf53.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount c8orf34.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount ca14.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount cacng3.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount calcrl.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount capsl.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount casp10.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount cass4.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount cass4.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount cat.3.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount ccar1.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount ccdc65.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount ccdc88a.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount ccn3.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount ccndx.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount ccno.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount cdc45.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount cdh18.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount cdk14.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount cdk15.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount cdk5r2.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount cdx1.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount cebpa.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount cep104.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount cer1.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount cer1.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount cfap74.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount cgl.2.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount chrd.1.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount chrd.1.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount chrd.2.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount clcf1.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount clic6.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount cmtm3.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount cnrip1.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount col14a1.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount col17a1.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount col17a1.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount col4a6.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount creg2.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount csrp1.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount cyba.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount cyp4b1.3.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount dapk1.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount dchs1.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount ddt.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount deptorl.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount dhrs7.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount diaph2.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount dio2.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount diras3.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount dkk1.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount dlc.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount dll1.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount dll1.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount dnaaf5.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount dnajc24.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount dok1.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount dok5.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount ednra.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount efemp1.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount egflam.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount emp1.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount emp3.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount enc1.2.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount eomes.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount eomes.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount eps8l3.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount ercc6l2.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount esr-5.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount ethe1.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount evx1.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount evx1.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount exosc8.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount fam124b.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount fam163b.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount fam228b.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount fam53c.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount fam83e.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount fbxo43.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount fgd5.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount fgf14.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount fgf20.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount fgf20.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount fgf3.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount fgf3.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount fgf8.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount fgf8.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount flrt1.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount flrt3.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount flrt3.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount foxa1.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount foxa2.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount foxa4.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount foxa4.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount foxc1.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount foxc2.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount foxd3.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount foxd4l1.1.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount foxd4l1.2.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount foxi1.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount foxj2.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount frzb.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount frzb.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount gabrd.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount galk1.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount galnt14.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount galnt5.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount gata4.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount gata4.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount gata5.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount gata5.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount gata6.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount gata6.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount gdf1.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount gdf3.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount gip.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount gjc2.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount gli2.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount gpd1.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount gpr12.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount gpr139.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount gpr83.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount grik1.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount grm5.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount gsc.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount gsc.S expression in the marginal zone
increased amount h2aj.L expression in the marginal zone
increased amount hao1.L expression in the marginal zone
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increased amount homeobox100496651-provisional.L expression in the marginal zone
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