adam11 has 1 expression phenotype(s)
Images Sources Experiment + Assay Phenotypes Human Diseases
No Image GSE132116

Robson A et al. (2019)
Xla Wt + rnf20 MO

WE NF13 (RNA-Seq (RNA))
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount sult2a1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount ampd1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount bgn.L expression in the embryo
increased amount bgn.S expression in the embryo
increased amount bsk146.S expression in the embryo
increased amount c3ar1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount camk2b.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ccno.L expression in the embryo
increased amount ccno.S expression in the embryo
increased amount cdc20b.L expression in the embryo
increased amount chchd6.L expression in the embryo
increased amount col1a1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount col1a1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount col6a2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount col6a5.S expression in the embryo
increased amount cox6b1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount cpq.L expression in the embryo
increased amount crygdl.30.L expression in the embryo
increased amount dach1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount dct.L expression in the embryo
increased amount deup1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount eda2r.L expression in the embryo
increased amount fabp7.L expression in the embryo
increased amount frzb.L expression in the embryo
increased amount g6pc1.2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount g6pc1.3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount g6pc1.3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount hba4.S expression in the embryo
increased amount hesx1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount hhatl.L expression in the embryo
increased amount hsd3b1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount itga8.S expression in the embryo
increased amount jakmip1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount krt12.2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount krt18.3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount lcat.L expression in the embryo
increased amount lgi1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount lhx9.L expression in the embryo
increased amount lum.L expression in the embryo
increased amount lum.S expression in the embryo
increased amount mcidas.L expression in the embryo
increased amount mcidas.S expression in the embryo
increased amount mcm3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount mgc147475.L expression in the embryo
increased amount myl4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount myoz2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount nrn1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount ocm4.4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount ocm4.4.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ocm4.5.L expression in the embryo
increased amount ocm4.8.L expression in the embryo
increased amount pax9.L expression in the embryo
increased amount pdk4.S expression in the embryo
increased amount pou5f3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount pygb.S expression in the embryo
increased amount rergl.S expression in the embryo
increased amount slc38a5.L expression in the embryo
increased amount sncg.S expression in the embryo
increased amount srp14.L expression in the embryo
increased amount syp.L expression in the embryo
increased amount tm6sf1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount trpv2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ugt3a2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount wdr86.L expression in the embryo
increased amount XB5852426.L expression in the embryo
increased amount XB5920187.S expression in the embryo
increased amount xmc.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount adgra2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ampd1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ampd1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ankrd13b.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount bgn.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount bgn.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount bsk146.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount c7h10orf105.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cacna1h.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount camk2b.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount camk4.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cdc20b.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cdc42se1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cfap299.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cobl.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount col1a1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount col1a1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount col6a2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount col6a3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount col6a3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount col6a5.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount coro6.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cpq.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount crygdl.30.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cyp27a1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cyp8b1.1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount dach1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount deup1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount elavl4.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount elavl4.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount fabp7.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount g6pc1.2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount g6pc1.3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount g6pc1.3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount gpr37l1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount gpx7.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount gpx7.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount grik2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount grm3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount hba4.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount hhatl.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount hnf4g.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount iqsec3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount itga8.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount jakmip1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount kdsr.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount klhl25.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount krt12.2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount lcat.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount lgals4.2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount lgi1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount lhx9.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount lhx9.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount lum.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount lum.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount mcidas.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount MGC147475.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount myl4.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount myoc.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount myoz2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount naaladl2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount nek11.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount nfatc2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount nrn1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ocm4.4.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ocm4.4.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ocm4.5.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ocm4.8.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pax9.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pde2a.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount pln.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pou5f3.1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount pygb.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount rergl.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount rpap3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc17a7.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc17a7.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc1a2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc38a4.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc38a5.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc5a1.2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc5a1.2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount snap25.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount stac3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount svep1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount syp.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tm6sf1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount trpv2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount trpv2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount vipr1.L expression in the embryo