mylk3 has 1 expression phenotype(s)
Images Sources Experiment + Assay Phenotypes Human Diseases
No Image GSE143795

Ossipova O et al. (2020)
Xla Wt + pnhd-FLAG + animal cap explant

animal cap NF11 (RNA-Seq (RNA))
Expression Phenotype
increased amount mylk3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount aadacl4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount abca1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount abcc5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ablim1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount abo.5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount acod1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount acod1la.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount acod1lb.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount acot8.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount acp3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount acta2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount actn2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount actr10.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount acy1.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount acy3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount adam12.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount adamtsl5.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount adap1l.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount adap1l.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount adck1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount adgrf1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount admp.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount adora2a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount adora2a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount afap1l2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount agap2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount agr2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount agrn.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount agrp.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount aifm2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ak3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount akr1c8.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ampd2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount angpt4.2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount angpt4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ankrd13b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ankrd13b.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ankrd22.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ankrd65.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount anxa1.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount anxa10.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount apbb1ip.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount aplnr.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount apoe.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount arhgap30.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount arhgap36.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount arhgap6.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount arhgef17.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount arhgef19.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount arhgef3.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount arhgef4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount arl13a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount armh4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount arpc2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount arpc5l.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount arsa.1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount arsd.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount arx.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ascc1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ascl2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount asgr2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount asic2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount asphd2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount atf5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount atg4d.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount atp11c.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount atp12a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount atp13a-like.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount atp13a4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount atp1b2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount atp1b2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount atp2c2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount atp6v0d2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount atp7b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount atp8b3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount auts2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount axl.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount b3galt2l.4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount b4galnt3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount bach2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount bcl2l10.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount bcl2l14.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount bco2l.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount bdh1a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount bfsp1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount bhlhe40.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount bhmt.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount bix1.1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount bix1.1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount bix1.2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount bix1.3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount blvra.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount bmerb1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount bmf.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount bmpr1b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount bst1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount btc.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount c19orf54.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount c3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount c3ar1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount c3p1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount c4orf48.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount c5.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount c5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount c9.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ca10.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ca14.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ca6.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cacnb4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount calcoco1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cald1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount calml4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount camk2n2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount capn13.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount capn8.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cass4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount cat.3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount cat1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cbr1.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ccdc106.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ccdc141.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ccdc68.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ccl20.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ccn3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ccng1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ccng1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdc14a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdc42ep3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdh18.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdh20.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdh9.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdk19.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdkn1a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdkn1a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdkn2b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdnf.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cela1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cep290.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cfap46.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount chac1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount chka.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount chmp4c.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount chn2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount chn2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount chrd.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount chrna7.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount chrng.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount chst2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount chst9l.3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount chsy1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cish.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ckap2.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount clec4e.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount clic3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cmtm3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount cmtm4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cnpy1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount cnrip1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cntnap2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount col17a1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount col1a2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount col26a1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount col28a1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount col3a1.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount cox15.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount cpe.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount cplx3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cpm.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cpo.1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cpt1al.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cpxm1.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount crabp2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount creb3l1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount creb3l4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount crim1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount crygdl.6.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount crygdl.7.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount csmd1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ctps1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cxcl2.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount cyp27a1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cyp27a1.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount cyp2j2.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount degs3.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount dennd2c.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount dmrt2l.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount elovl3.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount eomes.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount eomes.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount ern2.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount f13a1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fa2h.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount fam169a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fam177b.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount fam83a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fam83c.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fam83h.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fas.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount fezf1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fgf16.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fgf2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fgf20.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fgfbp3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fgfr2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fgfr2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fhl3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fjx1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fkbp9.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fkbp9.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fosl2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fosl2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxa4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxb1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxb1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxd3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxd4l1.1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxi4.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxj1.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxj1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxp4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount frs3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount frzb.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount frzb.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fucolectin.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fut3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fut6.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount g67.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gadd45b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gal3st4.1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount gatd3ala.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gatd3alc.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gby.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gcat.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gch1.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount gckr.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gcm1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gcnt4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount gdpd1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gdpd2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ghr.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gjc2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gjd3.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount gmds.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gnao1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gne.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount golm1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount golm2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount gopc.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gopc.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount gpc1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gpr143.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount gpr151.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gpr45.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount gpr65.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gpr65.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount gpx1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount gpx8.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount gsc.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount has2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount has2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hcrt.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hdac9.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount herc6.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes5.10.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes5.3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes5.3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes5.4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes5.5.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes5.6.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes5.7.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hesx1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hexdl.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hhex.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount higd1a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hk1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxc12.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hsd11b1l.2.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount htr7l.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount idh2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ifnar2.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ifnlr1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ift22.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ift25.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount igf3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ihh.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount il10rb.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount il10rb.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount il1rap.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount il5ra.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount insm2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount iqca1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount irf1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount irf1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount irf5.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount irx3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount irx4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount itga2b.1.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount itga6.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount itga6.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount itgae.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount itgb3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount itih3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount itln1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount jcad.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount junb.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount kalrn.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount kcnb2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount kcng4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount kcnj15.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount kcnk1.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount kcnn1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount kcnq4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount khdrbs3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount kiaa1217.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount kitlg.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount kitlg.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount klf11.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount klf9.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount klf9.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount krt12.4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount krt12.5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount krt12.5.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount krt18.3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount krt60.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount krt7.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount krt70.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount krt80.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ksr2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount l1cam.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount lancl3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ldb3.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount lgals4.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount lgals4.2.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount lin52.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount lin7b.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount lmo2.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount lrig3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount lrit3.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount lrrc61.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount lypd2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount lysmd2.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount mab21l2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount mab21l2.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount mcc.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount mesp2.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount mespa.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount mespa.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount mgc147226.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount mgc86483.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount nectin4.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount ntn3.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount nxpe3l.6.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nxpe4.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount olfml3.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount osr2.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount pax3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pax3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pax6.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount pcdh18.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pcdh19.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pcdh8.2.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount pde4dip.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pde9a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pdgfra.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount pdia2.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount pea15.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount phaf1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount phlda1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount phlda2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount phyhdlb.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount phyhdlc.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pidd1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pigx.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pik3r3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pik3r6.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pisd-like.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pitpnc1l.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pkd2l1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pkp1.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount plk2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount plk2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount plk3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pllp.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount plod2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount plppr2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount plxdc2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount plxna2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount plxna2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pnhd.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount popdc2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount post.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount post5.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount ppp1r14c.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ppp1r27.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount prl.1.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount prr7.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount ptger4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ptgfrn.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ptk2b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ptpro.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pygb.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount rab25.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rab25.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rab26.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rab27a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rab33a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rab39a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rab3d.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rab3d.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rab40b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rad51.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount rasgrf1.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount rasl12.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rbbp8nl.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rbbp8nl.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rbl2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rbp1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rell2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount reps2.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount rgmb.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rgmb.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount rgs16.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rgs20.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount rin1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount riok3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ripply3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rnf14.1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rnf14.4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rnf151.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rnf208.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rnf223.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rnf223.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rnf224.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rnf24.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rnf43.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount robo3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount robo3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount robo4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rpe65.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rph3al.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount rrp12.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rsad2.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount runx1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount runx2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rusf1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount s100a10.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount s100a11.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sag.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount samd11.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount satpa.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount satpb.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount scn5a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount scnn1a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount scnn1a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sctr.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sdcbp2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sebox.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount selenow2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sema3f.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount serhl.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount serpinc1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount serpinh1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sertad1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sertad4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sesn1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sesn1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sfrp1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sfrpx.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount sgcg.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sgk2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sgtb.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sh2d3c.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount sh3d21.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sh3d21.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sh3rf2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount shisa4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount shroom3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sidt1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount skap2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slain1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc16a12.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount slc19a2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc19a3.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc19a3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc25a22l.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc25a4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc25a45.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc26a4.3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc26a4l.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc26a9.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount slc2a2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc30a10.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc30a8.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc34a2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc35a3.1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc37a1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc38a2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc3a2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc40a1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc40a1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc43a1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc45a3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc45a3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc5a8.1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc6a13.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc6a5.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc6a8.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc7a8.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount smim22.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount snai1.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount sncg.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount snorc.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount snx22.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount socs1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount socs2.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount socs3l.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount socs4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sod3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sostdc1.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount sox17b.1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sox17b.1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sox2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sox7.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sp6.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sp7.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sp7.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount spag6.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sparc.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount spdef.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount spire1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount spns2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount spns2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount st3gal4.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount stard10.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount stard10.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount stard4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount stard5.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sting1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount stx3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount styk1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sult6b1.5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sult6b1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount susd2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sv2a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount syngap1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount syt1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount syt16.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount syt4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sytl1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sytl5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tbc1d24.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tbkbp1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tcim.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tcn2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tenm4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tent5a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tes.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tex12.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tfap2e.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tgfa.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tgfb2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount thbs1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount timp-1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tiparp.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tkfc.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tlx3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmeff1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmem132e.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmem150b.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmem158.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmem213.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmem229b.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmem54.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmem54.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmem56.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmem98.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmprss5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmprss9.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tnfrsf11a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tnfrsf19.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount tnfrsf6b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tnfsf10.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount tnnc2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tnni2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tox.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tox2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tp63.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tp73.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tpd52l1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tph2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount traf3ip3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tril.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount trim29.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount trpv4l.1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount trpv5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount trpv6.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tsc22d3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tsga10.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tspan36.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tspan36.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tspan4.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount ttc34.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ttc39a.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount tuft1.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount ubl5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ugcg.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ugcg.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ugt8.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount ulk1.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount uqcrh.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount vangl1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount vcan.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount vegfd.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount vgll1.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount vgll2.S expression in the animal cap
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increased amount vtcn1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount vwa2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount vwa7.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount XB22041731.L [provisional] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB22041731.S [provisional] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB22062458.L [provisional] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB22063249.S [provisional] expression in the animal cap
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increased amount XB22063314.S [provisional:yrdc] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB22064002.L [provisional] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB22065621.S [provisional] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB22065625.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB22065716.L [provisional] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB22164556.L [provisional] expression in the animal cap
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increased amount XB5738351.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5802829.S [provisional] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5812047.L [provisional:casp7] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5815362.S [provisional:cyp2j6] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5820455.L [provisional:mr1] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5832479.S [provisional:cdc25c] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5863530.S [provisional] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5899881.L [provisional] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5918805.L [provisional:lhfpl3] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5932841.L [provisional:cav2] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5951253.L [provisional:mov10] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5953580.L [provisional] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5962542.S [provisional] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5965586.S [provisional:nfkbiz] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5993457.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB940087.L [provisional] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB986081.L [provisional:sult2b1] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB987369.L [provisional:prss12] expression in the animal cap
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increased amount xk.L expression in the animal cap
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increased amount znf185.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount znf532.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount znf534.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount znf534.S expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount bix1.2.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount bix1.2.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount bix1.3.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount bix1.3.S expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount dmrt2.L expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount elapor1.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount elovl3.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount emp1.L expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount emp3.L expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount eomes.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount eomes.S expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount eps8l1.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount eps8l3.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount ethe1.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount evx1.S expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount fam177b.L expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount fam53c.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount fam83a.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount fam83c.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount fezf1.L expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount fgf20.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount fgf3.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount flrt1.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount flrt3.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount flrt3.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount fn3k.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount foxa1.L expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount foxh1.2.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount foxi1.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount foxi4.1.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount foxi4.2.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount foxj1.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount foxj2.L expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount fucolectin.S expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount gabrd.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gadd45b.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gadd45gip1p.L expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount galntl6.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gask1b.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gata3.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gata3.S expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount gata4.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gata5.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gata5.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gata6.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gata6.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gatm.S expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount gdpd1.L expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount gnb1l.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount golm1.L expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount gpr27.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gpr65.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gpr83.L expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount gsc.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gsc.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gstk1.S expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount hapln1.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount harbi1l.S expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount has2.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount hdac9.S expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount hhex.L expression in animal cap
decreased amount hhex.S expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount homeobox100496651-provisional.L expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount krt12.5.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount krt12.5.S expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount krt70.L expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount lrrn1.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount lsp1.L expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount nmb.L expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount phox2b.S expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount rab25.L expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount slc19a3.L expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount XB22041731.S [provisional] expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount XB5899881.L [provisional] expression in the animal cap
decreased amount XB5932119.L [provisional] expression in the animal cap
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decreased amount znf534.L expression in the animal cap
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