XB5891636 has 4 expression phenotype(s)
Images Sources Experiment + Assay Phenotypes Human Diseases
No Image GSE137844

Belrose JL et al. (2020)
Xla Wt + spinal cord amputation

hindbrain 1 week post amp. NF53 (RNA-Seq (RNA))
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount XB5891636.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount abca4.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount arr3.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount clcnkb.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cnfn.1.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount col3a1.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cryaa.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cryaa.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cryba1.2.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cryba1.2.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cryba1.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cryba2.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cryba2.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cryba4.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crybb1.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crybb1.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crybb2.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crybb2.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crybb3.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crybb3.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cryga.1.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cryga.10.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cryga.11.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cryga.12.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cryga.12.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cryga.2.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cryga.3.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cryga.4.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cryga.6.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cryga.6.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cryga.7.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cryga.7.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cryga.8.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cryga.9.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cryga.9.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygbl.1.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygbl.1.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygbl.2.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygbl.2.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygbl.3.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygbl.4.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygbl.5.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygbl.6.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygbl.7.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygbl.8.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygdl.1.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygdl.10.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygdl.11.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygdl.13.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygdl.14.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygdl.15.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygdl.16.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygdl.17.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygdl.20.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygdl.21.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygdl.28.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygdl.3.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygdl.30.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygdl.31.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygdl.32.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygdl.33.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygdl.5.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygdl.9.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygn.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount crygn.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount cyp3a4.2.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount dhrs7b.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount fcn1.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount ffar4.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount gnat1.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount gnat1.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount gngt1.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount gngt2.1.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount hba1.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount hba1.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount hbg2.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount hbg2.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount hes5.10.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount hpd.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount lep.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount lep.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount mmp1.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount mst1.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount nr1h5.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount olfm4.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount opn1lw.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount pde6h.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount prph2.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount prph2.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount ras-dva1.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount rbp3.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount rbp4.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount rbp4l.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount rbp4l.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount rho.2.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount rho.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount rho.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount rom1.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount rom1.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount sag.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount tat.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount tex26.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount tf.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount thop1.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount uts2.S expression in the hindbrain
increased amount XB5745823.L expression in the hindbrain
increased amount XB5772270.L [provisional:trim25] expression in the hindbrain
decreased amount 1a11.L expression in the hindbrain
decreased amount acr.2.L expression in the hindbrain
decreased amount apov1.1.S expression in the hindbrain
decreased amount chac1.L expression in the hindbrain
decreased amount chac1.S expression in the hindbrain
decreased amount cryga.6.L expression in the hindbrain
decreased amount cryga.7.L expression in the hindbrain
decreased amount disp2.S expression in the hindbrain
decreased amount esyt3.S expression in the hindbrain
decreased amount evi5l.S expression in the hindbrain
decreased amount hbg2.S expression in the hindbrain
decreased amount hsd11b1.S expression in the hindbrain
decreased amount mfsd12.S expression in the hindbrain
decreased amount stoml3.L expression in the hindbrain
decreased amount tat.S expression in the hindbrain
decreased amount XB5745823.L [provisional] expression in the hindbrain
decreased amount XB5873314.L [provisional:rab32] expression in the hindbrain
No Image GSE126058

Melchert J et al. (2020)
Xla Wt + erfe MO

WE NF41 (RNA-Seq (RNA))
Expression Phenotype
increased amount XB5891636.L [provisional] expression in the embryo
increased amount ccl4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount cdkn2b.L expression in the embryo
increased amount cdkn2b.S expression in the embryo
increased amount cel.2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount cfb.S expression in the embryo
increased amount chac1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount col6a5.L expression in the embryo
increased amount cp.L expression in the embryo
increased amount cpsf4l.S expression in the embryo
increased amount csf3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount csf3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount cxcl8a.1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount cxcl8a.1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount cxcl8a.2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount cyp51a1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount eda2r.L expression in the embryo
increased amount esm1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount g6pc1.2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount g6pc1.2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount gdf15.L expression in the embryo
increased amount hamp2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ifnx12.S (provisional) expression in the embryo
increased amount il17a.L expression in the embryo
increased amount lep.L expression in the embryo
increased amount lif.S expression in the embryo
increased amount MGC64513.S expression in the embryo
increased amount mmp1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount mmp8.S expression in the embryo
increased amount mmp9.2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount msmo1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount nppb.S expression in the embryo
increased amount olfm4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount parp3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount rpl3l.S expression in the embryo
increased amount sbk1l2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount slc22a8l.1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount slc26a10.S expression in the embryo
increased amount slc38a8.L expression in the embryo
increased amount sqle.L expression in the embryo
increased amount tcn2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount tlrs5.L expression in the embryo
increased amount wnt9b.2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount XB22062458.L [provisional] expression in the embryo
increased amount XB5900552.L [provisional] expression in the embryo
decreased amount adh1a.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount anxa10.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount anxa10.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount atp4a.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount atp4a.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount atp4b.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount atp4b.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount b4galnt2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ccl5.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cel.2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cel.2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cela1.1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cela1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cela2a.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cldn18.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cnn1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount col6a5.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cpa1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cpb1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cplx3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount csrp1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ctrb1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ctrc.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ctrl.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ctsl.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount elapor1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount kcne2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount mep1b.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount MGC64513.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount MGC64513.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount muc2l.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount mybpc2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount myh11.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount myh11.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount myh7.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ovch2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pdia2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pdia2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount pglyrp1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount pla2g1b.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ppt2l.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount reg4.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount serpini2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc26a10.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc51a.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount smim38.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tagln.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tff3.2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tff3.3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmed6.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmem150b.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tspan8.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5761341.S [provisional:muc2] expression in the embryo
No Image GSE126058

Melchert J et al. (2020)
Xla Wt + erfe MO

WE NF41 (RNA-Seq (RNA))
Expression Phenotype
increased amount XB5891636.L [provisional] expression in the embryo
increased amount acod1la.L expression in the embryo
increased amount ccl4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount cel.2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ch25h.L expression in the embryo
increased amount ch25h.S expression in the embryo
increased amount csf3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount csf3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount cxcl8a.1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount cxcl8a.1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount cxcl8a.2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount fabp2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount fabp2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount g6pc1.2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount hamp2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount hamp2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount il1b.S expression in the embryo
increased amount MGC64513.S expression in the embryo
increased amount mmp1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount mmp13l.L expression in the embryo
increased amount mmp8.L expression in the embryo
increased amount mmp8.S expression in the embryo
increased amount mmp9.2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount mmp9.2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount msmo1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount olfm4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount phyhdlb.L expression in the embryo
increased amount pnliprp2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount pnpla3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount satpc.L expression in the embryo
increased amount sbk1l2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount slc22a8l.1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount tlrs5.L expression in the embryo
increased amount tnfrsf6b.S expression in the embryo
increased amount tnfrsf9.L expression in the embryo
increased amount XB5953480.L [provisional] expression in the embryo
decreased amount acmsd.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount acta2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount acta2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount adh4.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount astl3b.1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount atp4a.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount atp4a.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount atp4b.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount atp4b.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount c1qa.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount c1qb.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount c1qc.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ccl5.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ccl5.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cdc20b.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cel.2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cel.2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cela1.1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cela1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cela2a.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cnfn.2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cpa1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cpb1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cplx3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ctrb1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ctrc.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ctrl.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ctsl.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount fabp1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount fabp2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount fabp2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount fabp6.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount gja4.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount kcne2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount mcidas.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount MGC64513.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount myh11.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ovch2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pdia2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount pdia2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount pglyrp1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount pla2g1b.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount rbp2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount serpini2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc22a2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc51a.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount smim38.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount tagln.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tff3.2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tff3.3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmed6.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmem150b.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tspan8.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB17329847.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount xepsin.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount zg16.S expression in the embryo
No Image GSE93195

Ding Y et al. (2017)
Xla.pigmented(Nasco) + sia1

WE NF10.5 - RNA-Seq (RNA)
Expression Phenotype
increased amount XB5891636.L [provisional] expression in the embryo
increased amount abcg1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount adgra2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount admp.L expression in the embryo
increased amount admp.S expression in the embryo
increased amount agr2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount alx1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount angptl4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount ankrd13b.S expression in the embryo
increased amount apoc1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount aqp1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount arx.L expression in the embryo
increased amount avpr1b.S expression in the embryo
increased amount barhl2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount barhl2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount bcl2l14.L expression in the embryo
increased amount bhlhe22.S expression in the embryo
increased amount bmp5.L expression in the embryo
increased amount bmper.L expression in the embryo
increased amount c11orf87.L expression in the embryo
increased amount c4orf45.L expression in the embryo
increased amount calca.L expression in the embryo
increased amount calca.S expression in the embryo
increased amount camp1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount capn14.S expression in the embryo
increased amount card9.L expression in the embryo
increased amount caskin2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount caskin2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ccl20.S expression in the embryo
increased amount cdh1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount chga.S expression in the embryo
increased amount chgb.L expression in the embryo
increased amount chn2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount chrd.1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount chrd.2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount ckmt1b.L expression in the embryo
increased amount col11a1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount col17a1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount col1a1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount col4a1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount cpn1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount creb3l1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount csf1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount cxxc4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount cyp26c1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount cyp26c1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount dbx1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount dchs1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount des.2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount dmbx1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount dpysl3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount drd1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount dtx1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount dusp10.2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ebf2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount efcab5.S expression in the embryo
increased amount egr3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount egr4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount emp3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount emx2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount eps8l1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount f10.L expression in the embryo
increased amount fam167b.L expression in the embryo
increased amount fam83b.L expression in the embryo
increased amount fam83b.S expression in the embryo
increased amount fezf2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount fezf2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount fgf3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount fgfbp1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount fkbp9.S expression in the embryo
increased amount foxd2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount foxf1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount frzb2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount fyb1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount fzd9.S expression in the embryo
increased amount galnt12.L expression in the embryo
increased amount galr2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount gap43.L expression in the embryo
increased amount gata3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount gcnt2.2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount gdnf.L expression in the embryo
increased amount gmnc.L expression in the embryo
increased amount gpd1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount gpr151.L expression in the embryo
increased amount gpr27.L expression in the embryo
increased amount gpr45.S expression in the embryo
increased amount gpr78.L expression in the embryo
increased amount grap.S expression in the embryo
increased amount grp.L expression in the embryo
increased amount gsx1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount gsx2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount gucy1b2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount hamp.L expression in the embryo
increased amount hbg1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount hepacam.L expression in the embryo
increased amount hes5.3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount hes5.4.S expression in the embryo
increased amount hes7.1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount hes7.1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount hmx3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount hmx3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount hnf4a.S expression in the embryo
increased amount hoxa11.L expression in the embryo
increased amount hoxa11.S expression in the embryo
increased amount hoxa7.S expression in the embryo
increased amount hoxb5.L expression in the embryo
increased amount hoxb6.L expression in the embryo
increased amount hoxb6.S expression in the embryo
increased amount hoxc13.L expression in the embryo
increased amount htr5a.L expression in the embryo
increased amount htr5a.S expression in the embryo
increased amount htr6.L expression in the embryo
increased amount il17a.3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount il17f.2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount irx4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount irx4.S expression in the embryo
increased amount irx5.S expression in the embryo
increased amount isl1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount itgb4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount kcnc1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount lbx1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount lck.L expression in the embryo
increased amount lgr5.S expression in the embryo
increased amount lhx4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount lhx9.L expression in the embryo
increased amount lhx9.S expression in the embryo
increased amount lrat.L expression in the embryo
increased amount lrig3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount mall.L expression in the embryo
increased amount mapk8ip1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount mig30.S expression in the embryo
increased amount mllt11.L expression in the embryo
increased amount mnx1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount myl10.L expression in the embryo
increased amount mylpf.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ncmap.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ndrg1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount neurog3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount nkx2-3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount nkx2-3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount nkx2-6.L expression in the embryo
increased amount nkx2-6.S expression in the embryo
increased amount nkx2-8.L expression in the embryo
increased amount nkx3-1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount nkx3-3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount nog.L expression in the embryo
increased amount nog.S expression in the embryo
increased amount noxo1.2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount nr2f2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount nr2f2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ntrk1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount nupr1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount oc90.S expression in the embryo
increased amount olfm4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount olig2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount onecut1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount opn1lw.S expression in the embryo
increased amount otp.L expression in the embryo
increased amount p2rx5.L expression in the embryo
increased amount p4htm.L expression in the embryo
increased amount pak5.L expression in the embryo
increased amount papss2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount pax2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount pax3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount pax8.L expression in the embryo
increased amount pcdh18.S expression in the embryo
increased amount pck1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount phyhdla.1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount phyhdlc.1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount pomc.S expression in the embryo
increased amount pou3f2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount pou3f4.S expression in the embryo
increased amount pou4f2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount prdm13.L expression in the embryo
increased amount prdm6.L expression in the embryo
increased amount prdm8.S expression in the embryo
increased amount prkcql.L expression in the embryo
increased amount prss8l.1.L [provisional] expression in the embryo
increased amount pstpip2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount pth1r.L expression in the embryo
increased amount ramp3.L expression in the embryo
increased amount rasef.L expression in the embryo
increased amount rasef.S expression in the embryo
increased amount rax.L expression in the embryo
increased amount rfx4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount rgs16.S expression in the embryo
increased amount rgs2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount rprml.L expression in the embryo
increased amount runx1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount satb2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount satpa.L expression in the embryo
increased amount satpc.L expression in the embryo
increased amount serpina3k.L expression in the embryo
increased amount sfrp1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount shh.S expression in the embryo
increased amount shox2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount six1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount six3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount skor1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount skor2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount slc16a14.L expression in the embryo
increased amount slc1a4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount slc26a4l.L expression in the embryo
increased amount slc32a1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount slc32a1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount slc7a10.S expression in the embryo
increased amount smc2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount sox14.L expression in the embryo
increased amount sox14.S expression in the embryo
increased amount spon1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount sst.1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount sstr5.L expression in the embryo
increased amount sstr5.S expression in the embryo
increased amount stmn2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount tacc2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount tbr1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount tbx18.S expression in the embryo
increased amount tbx2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount tbx5.L expression in the embryo
increased amount tbxt.2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount tcaf1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount tfap2b.S expression in the embryo
increased amount tfap2e.S expression in the embryo
increased amount tgm3l.7.S expression in the embryo
increased amount tgm4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount thbs1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount thbs1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount thbs3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount tlx1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount tnni2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount tnni2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount trim39l.2.S expression in the embryo
increased amount tsc22d3.S expression in the embryo
increased amount twist1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount twist1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount ube2ql1.S expression in the embryo
increased amount uts2.L expression in the embryo
increased amount vwf.L expression in the embryo
increased amount XB5961369.S [provisional:plpp3] expression in the embryo
increased amount xepsin.L expression in the embryo
increased amount zic4.L expression in the embryo
increased amount zic4.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount admp.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount admp.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount agr2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ankrd37.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount bambi.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount bhlhe22.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount capn8.1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount cdx1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount cdx1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount chrd.1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount chrd.2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ednra.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount foxi4.2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount frzb2.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount galnt12.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount gcnt2.2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount gmnc.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount hes7.1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount hes7.1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount iqsec3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount klf2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount limk1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount lrig3.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount mespb.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount mig30.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount myf5.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount nkx3-1.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount nog.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount nt5m.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount ntn3.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount olig4.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount phox2b.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount rax.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount rgs16.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount rgs2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount rhou.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount sia1.L expression in embryo
decreased amount tbxt.L expression in embryo
decreased amount tmem14a.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount tnfsf10l.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount unc93a.2.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount val.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount ventx1.1.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount wnt8a.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount wnt8a.S expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5964940.L [provisional] expression in the embryo
decreased amount xepsin.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount zic4.L expression in the embryo
decreased amount zic4.S expression in the embryo
increased amount sia1.L expression in embryo