LOC100491791 has 4 expression phenotype(s)
Images Sources Experiment + Assay Phenotypes Human Diseases
No Image GSE122551

Gentsch GE et al. (2019)
Xtr Wt + vegt MO + eomes MO + tbxt MO + tbxt.2 MO

NF11 (RNA-Seq)
Expression Phenotype
increased amount LOC100491791 expression in the embryo
increased amount abo.2 expression in the embryo
increased amount arhgap11a.2 expression in the embryo
increased amount arhgef12 expression in the embryo
increased amount bcar3 expression in the embryo
increased amount bmpr2 expression in the embryo
increased amount btg4 expression in the embryo
increased amount btg5.1 expression in the embryo
increased amount c1orf116 expression in the embryo
increased amount cbwd1.1 expression in the embryo
increased amount ccnb5 expression in the embryo
increased amount cers6 expression in the embryo
increased amount clba1 expression in the embryo
increased amount coq2 expression in the embryo
increased amount cyp4v2.2 expression in the embryo
increased amount dctpp1 expression in the embryo
increased amount elk1 expression in the embryo
increased amount fbxl4 expression in the embryo
increased amount fez2 expression in the embryo
increased amount gadd45gip1 expression in the embryo
increased amount h2ac17 expression in the embryo
increased amount haghl expression in the embryo
increased amount kctd9 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100485137 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100493862 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101730966 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101732995 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101734301 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101734664 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC105947618 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC116406900 expression in the embryo
increased amount lonrf3 expression in the embryo
increased amount nfil3 expression in the embryo
increased amount nkx6-1 expression in the embryo
increased amount nodal6 expression in the embryo
increased amount ntf3 expression in the embryo
increased amount pdp2 expression in the embryo
increased amount pkd2l1 expression in the embryo
increased amount plcl2 expression in the embryo
increased amount ppargc1b expression in the embryo
increased amount prss16 expression in the embryo
increased amount ripor2 expression in the embryo
increased amount rnf151 expression in the embryo
increased amount rspry1 expression in the embryo
increased amount scx expression in the embryo
increased amount sertad2 expression in the embryo
increased amount slc48a1 expression in the embryo
increased amount snx10 expression in the embryo
increased amount tent5b expression in the embryo
increased amount thumpd3 expression in the embryo
increased amount tm2d3 expression in the embryo
increased amount tmem171 expression in the embryo
increased amount tubg1 expression in the embryo
increased amount wdr47 expression in the embryo
increased amount wee2 expression in the embryo
increased amount wtip expression in the embryo
increased amount XB5719931 [provisional] expression in the embryo
increased amount zfp36l2.1 expression in the embryo
increased amount zfp36l2.2 expression in the embryo
increased amount zscan2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount acly expression in the embryo
decreased amount actc1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount adamts5 expression in the embryo
decreased amount anapc2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount apln expression in the embryo
decreased amount atp6ap1l expression in the embryo
decreased amount c3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount cdc20b expression in the embryo
decreased amount cdc42ep3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ceacam19lx expression in the embryo
decreased amount egflam expression in the embryo
decreased amount foxc1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount gpr82 expression in the embryo
decreased amount gprc5cl1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount hba1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount hes5.3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount hes5.4 expression in the embryo
decreased amount hes5.7 expression in the embryo
decreased amount hkdc1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount insm2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount lama1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC100497319 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101730864 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101732669 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101732842 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101733883 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC108644783 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC116406565 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC116412194 expression in the embryo
decreased amount marveld1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount mcidas expression in the embryo
decreased amount mfap2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount mgat4g expression in the embryo
decreased amount msgn1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount myf5 expression in the embryo
decreased amount myod1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount nfil3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount pcdh10 expression in the embryo
decreased amount pcdh8l expression in the embryo
decreased amount pdp2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount phka1p1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount phka2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount plod2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount rassf4 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ripply2.1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ripply2.2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount scx expression in the embryo
decreased amount sdc3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount serpind1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount sfrp1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount shh expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc16a12 expression in the embryo
decreased amount syn1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tbx6 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tbxt.2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmprss9 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tubb expression in the embryo
decreased amount wee2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5903316 expression in the embryo
No Image GSE122551

Gentsch GE et al. (2019)
Xtr Wt + vegt MO + eomes MO + tbxt MO + tbxt.2 MO

NF12 (RNA-Seq)
Expression Phenotype
increased amount LOC100491791 expression in the embryo
increased amount 42Sp43 expression in the embryo
increased amount 42Sp50 expression in the embryo
increased amount abo.2 expression in the embryo
increased amount acod1la expression in the embryo
increased amount acod1lb expression in the embryo
increased amount acot11 expression in the embryo
increased amount akain1 expression in the embryo
increased amount arhgap26 expression in the embryo
increased amount atp6v0a4 expression in the embryo
increased amount atp6v1g2 expression in the embryo
increased amount azin2 expression in the embryo
increased amount b3gnt6 expression in the embryo
increased amount bix1.1 expression in the embryo
increased amount bix1.2 expression in the embryo
increased amount bmpr2 expression in the embryo
increased amount bnc1 expression in the embryo
increased amount c11orf96 expression in the embryo
increased amount c17orf98 expression in the embryo
increased amount c1ql3 expression in the embryo
increased amount cbwd1.1 expression in the embryo
increased amount ccnb5 expression in the embryo
increased amount cdc42se2 expression in the embryo
increased amount ciao2a expression in the embryo
increased amount clba1 expression in the embryo
increased amount dnd1 expression in the embryo
increased amount dok5 expression in the embryo
increased amount dysf expression in the embryo
increased amount elk1 expression in the embryo
increased amount exoc3l1 expression in the embryo
increased amount fam189a1 expression in the embryo
increased amount fgl1l expression in the embryo
increased amount foxi2 expression in the embryo
increased amount gatd3ala expression in the embryo
increased amount gatd3alb.1 expression in the embryo
increased amount germes expression in the embryo
increased amount gpc5 expression in the embryo
increased amount grm7 expression in the embryo
increased amount grn expression in the embryo
increased amount h2ac17 expression in the embryo
increased amount hebp2 expression in the embryo
increased amount kti12 expression in the embryo
increased amount larp1b expression in the embryo
increased amount lhfpl4 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100485137 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100487636 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100489209 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100489883 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100490372 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100490733 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100491743 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100493862 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100494722 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100494762 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100496019 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100497952 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100498107 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101730723 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101733009 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101733852 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101734301 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101734677 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101735014 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC105945779 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC105946151 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC116406900 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC116411062 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC116411070 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC116411756 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC548809 expression in the embryo
increased amount lonrf1 expression in the embryo
increased amount lonrf3 expression in the embryo
increased amount lrrc26 expression in the embryo
increased amount mgc147242 expression in the embryo
increased amount mia expression in the embryo
increased amount mov10l1 expression in the embryo
increased amount mrc2 expression in the embryo
increased amount opn7b expression in the embryo
increased amount or30a4b expression in the embryo
increased amount pgk1 expression in the embryo
increased amount phyhdla.1 expression in the embryo
increased amount phyhdla.2 expression in the embryo
increased amount phyhdla.3 expression in the embryo
increased amount phyhdlb expression in the embryo
increased amount pkd2l1 expression in the embryo
increased amount plcxd1 expression in the embryo
increased amount pmp22 expression in the embryo
increased amount popdc2 expression in the embryo
increased amount prss16 expression in the embryo
increased amount ptafr expression in the embryo
increased amount pyy expression in the embryo
increased amount rbpms2 expression in the embryo
increased amount rgn expression in the embryo
increased amount rhbdd1 expression in the embryo
increased amount ripor2 expression in the embryo
increased amount rnf151 expression in the embryo
increased amount rph3al expression in the embryo
increased amount rufy2 expression in the embryo
increased amount rxrg expression in the embryo
increased amount satpa expression in the embryo
increased amount scx expression in the embryo
increased amount serhl2 expression in the embryo
increased amount slc24a5 expression in the embryo
increased amount slc6a3 expression in the embryo
increased amount socs3 expression in the embryo
increased amount srl expression in the embryo
increased amount st6galnac6 expression in the embryo
increased amount stard8 expression in the embryo
increased amount tent5b expression in the embryo
increased amount tmem242 expression in the embryo
increased amount tnik expression in the embryo
increased amount ttc27 expression in the embryo
increased amount usp6nl2 expression in the embryo
increased amount vsir expression in the embryo
increased amount wee2 expression in the embryo
increased amount XB22061515 expression in the embryo
increased amount XB22063314 [provisional:yrdc] expression in the embryo
increased amount XB22166267 [provisional] expression in the embryo
increased amount XB5913776 [provisional:atpsckmt] expression in the embryo
increased amount zar1l expression in the embryo
increased amount zar2 expression in the embryo
increased amount zc3h3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount acta2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount acta4 expression in the embryo
decreased amount actc1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount akain1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount alx1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount antxrl expression in the embryo
decreased amount astl2f expression in the embryo
decreased amount atp2a1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount atp6ap1.1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount atp6ap1l expression in the embryo
decreased amount atp6v0a4 expression in the embryo
decreased amount b4galt4 expression in the embryo
decreased amount bix1.1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount bix1.2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount c9h16orf96 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ca9 expression in the embryo
decreased amount cacng1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount cap2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ccdc148 expression in the embryo
decreased amount cdh15 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ceacam19lx expression in the embryo
decreased amount cfap276 expression in the embryo
decreased amount chrna1.2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount coe3l expression in the embryo
decreased amount col16a1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount col2a1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount col8a1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount col9a1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount col9a2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount col9a3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount crhr1.1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount des.1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount dzip1l expression in the embryo
decreased amount efemp2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount efna3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount endoul2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount fam166b expression in the embryo
decreased amount fam167b expression in the embryo
decreased amount fbn3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount flnc expression in the embryo
decreased amount foxc1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount gdf3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ghrh expression in the embryo
decreased amount gpr4 expression in the embryo
decreased amount gpr82 expression in the embryo
decreased amount hgfac expression in the embryo
decreased amount hjv expression in the embryo
decreased amount kcp expression in the embryo
decreased amount klhl40 expression in the embryo
decreased amount klhl41 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC100485356 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC100485858 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC100486156 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101732669 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101732842 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101733883 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101734526 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101735259 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC105945479 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC105947030 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC105948415 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC116407834 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC116408399 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC116408733 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC116412390 expression in the embryo
decreased amount m1ap expression in the embryo
decreased amount marveld1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount mef2d expression in the embryo
decreased amount meox2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount mgc75582 expression in the embryo
decreased amount mogs expression in the embryo
decreased amount mrc2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount myf5 expression in the embryo
decreased amount mylpf expression in the embryo
decreased amount myod1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount nfix expression in the embryo
decreased amount npb expression in the embryo
decreased amount ntn1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ntn5 expression in the embryo
decreased amount pcdh8l expression in the embryo
decreased amount pecam1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount plod2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount pmp22 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ppard expression in the embryo
decreased amount prkg1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount prrt3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount pskh2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount rbm24 expression in the embryo
decreased amount rragd expression in the embryo
decreased amount ryr1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount scx expression in the embryo
decreased amount sfrp1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc1a3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc25a42 expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc6a3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount smim11a expression in the embryo
decreased amount snai2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount srl expression in the embryo
decreased amount syne3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tbx6 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tbxt.2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tcf15 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tcf21 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmem116 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmod4 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmprss9 expression in the embryo
decreased amount trim72 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ttn expression in the embryo
decreased amount tuba8 expression in the embryo
decreased amount unc45b expression in the embryo
decreased amount wdr86 expression in the embryo
decreased amount wee2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount wnt3a expression in the embryo
decreased amount wnt5a expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB22063314 [provisional:yrdc] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5832479 [provisional:cdc25c] expression in the embryo
decreased amount zcchc24 expression in the embryo
No Image GSE96655

Gentsch GE et al. (2018)
Xtr.Wt + tbxt MO + tbxt.2 MO

NF26 (RNA-Seq)
Expression Phenotype
increased amount LOC100491791 expression in the embryo
increased amount acod1 expression in the embryo
increased amount acod1la expression in the embryo
increased amount acod1lb expression in the embryo
increased amount angpt4 expression in the embryo
increased amount ankrd1 expression in the embryo
increased amount asb16 expression in the embryo
increased amount ascl3 expression in the embryo
increased amount atp12al expression in the embryo
increased amount atp13a5l.1 expression in the embryo
increased amount avd expression in the embryo
increased amount bricd5 expression in the embryo
increased amount btn1a1l expression in the embryo
increased amount c17orf98 expression in the embryo
increased amount cav1 expression in the embryo
increased amount ccl25 expression in the embryo
increased amount ccl4 expression in the embryo
increased amount ccnb5 expression in the embryo
increased amount ccng1 expression in the embryo
increased amount cd3g expression in the embryo
increased amount cdkn2b expression in the embryo
increased amount cer1 expression in the embryo
increased amount chit1 expression in the embryo
increased amount cpxm2 expression in the embryo
increased amount crispld2 expression in the embryo
increased amount cryaa expression in the embryo
increased amount csf3 expression in the embryo
increased amount cupin1 expression in the embryo
increased amount cupin1.2 expression in the embryo
increased amount degs2 expression in the embryo
increased amount dscaml1 expression in the embryo
increased amount eda2r expression in the embryo
increased amount epyc expression in the embryo
increased amount erap1 expression in the embryo
increased amount fbp2 expression in the embryo
increased amount fgl1l expression in the embryo
increased amount gatd3ala expression in the embryo
increased amount gatd3alb.1 expression in the embryo
increased amount gpbar1 expression in the embryo
increased amount gpr84 expression in the embryo
increased amount hebp2 expression in the embryo
increased amount hhipl2 expression in the embryo
increased amount il1b expression in the embryo
increased amount il1r2 expression in the embryo
increased amount itga2b.2 expression in the embryo
increased amount kcnt2l expression in the embryo
increased amount lacc1 expression in the embryo
increased amount lif expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100485137 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100485630 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100487882 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100488074 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100489067 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100490015 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100491227 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100494742 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100494745 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100494762 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100497803 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100497952 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100498107 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101730936 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101731310 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101731889 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101732364 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101732654 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101733399 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101733853 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101735090 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101735102 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101735197 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC105947577 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC116407060 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC116408078 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC116408707 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC116409442 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC116411013 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC116411706 expression in the embryo
increased amount lonrf3 expression in the embryo
increased amount marchf8 expression in the embryo
increased amount mboat4 expression in the embryo
increased amount or30a4b expression in the embryo
increased amount or5dn1 expression in the embryo
increased amount or5dn1b expression in the embryo
increased amount ovch2 expression in the embryo
increased amount phyhdla.1 expression in the embryo
increased amount phyhdla.2 expression in the embryo
increased amount phyhdla.3 expression in the embryo
increased amount phyhdlb expression in the embryo
increased amount pram1 expression in the embryo
increased amount rab7b expression in the embryo
increased amount rgn expression in the embryo
increased amount ripk3l expression in the embryo
increased amount rnf151 expression in the embryo
increased amount satpa expression in the embryo
increased amount serpine1 expression in the embryo
increased amount sia2 expression in the embryo
increased amount slc23a3 expression in the embryo
increased amount slc2a11l2 expression in the embryo
increased amount terb2 expression in the embryo
increased amount tf expression in the embryo
increased amount tgm1 expression in the embryo
increased amount tmem140 expression in the embryo
increased amount tnfaip2 expression in the embryo
increased amount wfikkn2 expression in the embryo
increased amount XB22061515 expression in the embryo
increased amount XB22063314 [provisional:yrdc] expression in the embryo
increased amount XB22065716 expression in the embryo
increased amount XB5730115 expression in the embryo
increased amount XB5780651 expression in the embryo
increased amount XB5949052 expression in the embryo
increased amount XB5965586 [provisional:nfkbiz] expression in the embryo
increased amount XB940394 expression in the embryo
decreased amount adsl expression in the embryo
decreased amount akap7.2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount angpt4 expression in the embryo
decreased amount angptl7 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ankrd63 expression in the embryo
decreased amount astl3c expression in the embryo
decreased amount atp12a-like expression in the embryo
decreased amount atp13a5l.1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount avd expression in the embryo
decreased amount avpr1a expression in the embryo
decreased amount bcan expression in the embryo
decreased amount c10h17orf67 expression in the embryo
decreased amount c1qtnf1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount c3ar1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ca13 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ca9 expression in the embryo
decreased amount cav1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount cav2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount cav3.2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount cer1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount cftr expression in the embryo
decreased amount chadl expression in the embryo
decreased amount chrne expression in the embryo
decreased amount cnmd expression in the embryo
decreased amount col11a2l expression in the embryo
decreased amount col9a1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount crhr1.1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount crygdl.35 expression in the embryo
decreased amount crygdl.45 expression in the embryo
decreased amount dpt expression in the embryo
decreased amount egf expression in the embryo
decreased amount ehd2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount eln2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount emilin3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount epyc expression in the embryo
decreased amount esr-5 expression in the embryo
decreased amount gas2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount gdf3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount gja1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount hes7.2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount hint2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ins expression in the embryo
decreased amount krt18.2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount lgals1.3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC100488932 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC100491712 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC100497103 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC100498194 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101730219 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101732669 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101733619 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101734287 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC105945479 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC105946065 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC116406455 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC116406822 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC116412116 expression in the embryo
decreased amount lox expression in the embryo
decreased amount lyst expression in the embryo
decreased amount marchf8 expression in the embryo
decreased amount matn2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount mix1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount msgn1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount nlgn2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount npy2r expression in the embryo
decreased amount nudt17 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ocm4.5 expression in the embryo
decreased amount otos expression in the embryo
decreased amount otosl expression in the embryo
decreased amount pde3a expression in the embryo
decreased amount pdgfrl.2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount pdlim2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount plcl1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount plxdc1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount pnp expression in the embryo
decreased amount rab38 expression in the embryo
decreased amount sbspon expression in the embryo
decreased amount serpine1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc15a5 expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc18b1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc24a4 expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc38a8 expression in the embryo
decreased amount smim32 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tbx6 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tbxt.2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tgm1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmem268 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tnn expression in the embryo
decreased amount tspan5 expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB22063314 [provisional:yrdc] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5734592 expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5852574 expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5873314 [provisional:rab32] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5932841 expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5949052 [provisional] expression in the embryo
No Image GSE96655

Gentsch GE et al. (2018)
Xtr.Wt + tbxt MO + tbxt.2 MO

NF34 (RNA-Seq)
Expression Phenotype
increased amount LOC100491791 expression in the embryo
increased amount acod1 expression in the embryo
increased amount acod1la expression in the embryo
increased amount acod1lb expression in the embryo
increased amount adm2 expression in the embryo
increased amount angpt4 expression in the embryo
increased amount angpt4.2 expression in the embryo
increased amount ankrd37 expression in the embryo
increased amount ankrd65 expression in the embryo
increased amount aqp1 expression in the embryo
increased amount arrdc2 expression in the embryo
increased amount art5l expression in the embryo
increased amount atp13a5l.1 expression in the embryo
increased amount avd expression in the embryo
increased amount azin2 expression in the embryo
increased amount b3galt2l.8 expression in the embryo
increased amount btg5.3 expression in the embryo
increased amount c17orf98 expression in the embryo
increased amount cabp4 expression in the embryo
increased amount cass4 expression in the embryo
increased amount cav1 expression in the embryo
increased amount ccl25 expression in the embryo
increased amount ccl4 expression in the embryo
increased amount ccng1 expression in the embryo
increased amount cd86 expression in the embryo
increased amount cdkn2b expression in the embryo
increased amount ceacam19lm expression in the embryo
increased amount ceacam19ly expression in the embryo
increased amount ch25h expression in the embryo
increased amount chit1 expression in the embryo
increased amount clu expression in the embryo
increased amount cpxm2 expression in the embryo
increased amount crebrf expression in the embryo
increased amount csf3 expression in the embryo
increased amount cupin1 expression in the embryo
increased amount cupin1.2 expression in the embryo
increased amount cxcl11 expression in the embryo
increased amount cxcl13 expression in the embryo
increased amount cxcl8a expression in the embryo
increased amount cxcl8a.2 expression in the embryo
increased amount cyp1a1 expression in the embryo
increased amount cyp24a1 expression in the embryo
increased amount degs2 expression in the embryo
increased amount dscaml1 expression in the embryo
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