actc1 has 9 expression phenotype(s)
Images Sources Experiment + Assay Phenotypes Human Diseases
No Image Fig. 2B

Flach H et al. (2022)
Xla Wt + glyphosate [121.5]

NF28 (in situ hybridization)
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount actc1.L expression in somite
decreased amount mef2c.L expression in somite
decreased amount mef2d.L expression in somite
No Image Fig. 2B

Flach H et al. (2022)
Xla Wt + glyphosate [243]

NF28 (in situ hybridization)
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount actc1.L expression in somite
decreased amount mef2c.L expression in somite
decreased amount mef2d.L expression in somite

Pokrovsky D et al. (2021)
Xla Wt + hydroxyurea + aphidicolin

NF32 (in situ hybridization)
Anatomical Phenotype
abnormal head
absent tail bud
decreased size of the eye
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount actc1.L expression in cardiac mesoderm
decreased amount foxd4l1.1.L expression in cardiac mesoderm
decreased amount hba1.L expression in ventral blood island
decreased amount myh6.L expression in cardiac mesoderm
decreased amount tnni3.L expression in cardiac mesoderm

Smith SJ et al. (2020)
Xla Wt + adprhl1 MO

NF40 (in situ)
Anatomical Phenotype
abnormal development of cardiac ventricle
abnormal heart contraction
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount actc1.L expression in heart
decreased amount adprhl1.L expression in heart primordium

Smith SJ et al. (2020)
Xla Wt + adprhl1 MO

NF40 (in situ)
Anatomical Phenotype
abnormal heart morphology
decreased size of the cardiac ventricle
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount actc1.L expression in heart
decreased amount adprhl1.L expression in heart
Fig. 6. CD

Smith SJ et al. (2020)
Xla Wt + adprhl1 CRISPR

NF33-39 (in situ)
Anatomical Phenotype
abnormal development of cardiac ventricle
abnormal heart morphology
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount actc1.L expression in heart
mislocalised actc1.L expression in heart
decreased amount adprhl1.L expression in heart
mislocalised adprhl1.L expression in heart

Smith SJ et al. (2020)
Xla Wt + adprhl1 MO

NF40 (in situ)
Anatomical Phenotype
abnormal development of cardiac ventricle
abnormal heart contraction
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount actc1.L expression in heart
decreased amount adprhl1.L expression in heart primordium
Fig. S3 B

Yasuoka Y et al. (2014)
Xla Wt + tle1 + gsc + otx2 + ssbp3 + ldb1 + lhx1 mRNA

Expression Phenotype
decreased amount actc1.L expression in embryo
increased amount chrd.1.L expression in the embryo
increased amount gsc.L expression in the embryo
increased amount cer1.L expression in embryo
increased amount tbxt.L expression in embryo
Fig. 5 CFI

Langdon Y et al. (2012)
Xla Wt + ptpn11N308D

NF37/38 (immunohistochemistry)
Anatomical Phenotype
abnormal heart morphology
abnormally decreased number of sarcomere
increased size of the extracellular matrix
Expression Phenotype
increased amount actc1.L expression in myocardium
increased amount fbn1.L expression in myocardium
Noonan syndrome